

Loressa Azural

Beata des Himmels

Cactuar [Aether]

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To Sleep, Perchance To Dream

I've been pretty lucky to be around for several of the Concerted Works events of the Ishgardian Restoration. So when I saw that an upcoming one was to take place at 3am local time, I took it as a personal challenge to be there! I was also curious about what size crowd I would see so early in the morning. I set my alarm and then slept for a couple of hours.

The Crafters and Gatherers of Light did not disappoint! I can't tell exactly how many showed up, but they brought the same energy I've seen before. Maybe it took us just a tad longer to finish, but finish we did! Then it was back to Diadem for another 40 minutes, lol!

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