

Joe Schmoe

Hyperion [Primal]

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Joe's Darkest Dungeon/FF XIV Stream, 9/13/2019

Ran some Darkest Dungeon yesterday. A good session, if not for all the damn crits I was getting (basically getting fucko'ed on the RNG). I ended up losing one of my guys because of it as well (they all ganged up on her). I did however manage to do the first quest in The Darkest Dungeon (the hardest dungeon in the game) though, so that's good!

This post might have more added on later, as I ran out of time, since the final MSQ cutscenes were so long!

Things got off to a bad start today. My main speaker no longer holds a charge, and my OBS doesn't recognize my old speakers. So, gonna have some major technical issues to sort out, possibly having to buy another main speaker if I can't get things resolved on the audio front.

But aside from that, for this session today:

I finally did it! But unfortunately I had to cut off some of the cutscenes, since my stream cut-off time was past. So, now for the next session I'll probably try to unlock flying in The Tempest, then go from there.

And here's the vinyls I played today:

Fugazi - In on the Kill Taker
Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick

Okay, nap time, and then I gotta get ready for work. <Take care.> and see you all on Monday. <I must now take my leave.> ;)> (streaming Darkest Dungeon and/or Pinball Arcade over the weekend)

Why I Stream. and 20 Streamer Rules I Always/Don't Always/Never Follow.
Joe's Workout Videos
Joe's Compos
My Youtube Channel.
LP records and doing the lvl 80 MSQ. Not sure what I'll be doing afterwards. (Having sound problems)
LP records and doing the lvl 80 MSQ. Not sure what I'll be doing afterwards.
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