

Joe Schmoe

Hyperion [Primal]

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Joe's GW2/Pinball/FF XIV streams, 8/25 - 8/26


Decided to go ahead and do a Guild Wars 2 session this morning, since I was fasting and I needed something to get my mind off of that fact. I just worked on my "gourd & board" (mace + shield) warrior. And after playing for a few days I completed everything in Queensdale, the first area you start in. Yippee!:

And like yesterday, I was also listening to a Joe Rogan Podcast during the stream as well. This time, it was with psychologist Jordan Peterson as his guest.

A successful 22-hour fast today, after which I went right into a workout after I woke up. Good results this time, losing 5 pounds (149# right now) and losing ½-inch on my belly (34.25"), the kind I don't get very often (one of the reasons I'm not into it as much).

And today's Guild Wars 2 stream was a short one, since I forgot to buy groceries a couple days ago (couldn't do it yesterday since I was fasting), as well as only 3 people dropping by for a hot minute so, a pretty dead stream overall today.

And the vinyl LPs that I played today were:

Tom Lehrer - Songs & More Songs
Rush - A Farewell to Kings
Frank Zappa - Ship Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning Witch

And later on off-stream I created a new thief character and piddled with him for a while. Whiiiiiich is another thing I just found out. There is a "try it before you buy it" aspect to this game, kinda like what they have in FF XIV. Create a character and go to PvP and practice on a dummy, since in PvP you automatically start out at max level. But unlike FF XIV, you can still use all the exact same abilities that you have in PvE in a PvP setting (as far as I know). Whereas in FF XIV classes' abilites in PvP work differently (astrologician plays almost like a red mage, for example).


This morning's Pinball session started out terrible, but got better as the session went on, especially in Pinball Arcade, where I even beat my high score on Judge Dredd, a score that was already pretty high. Awesome!

My FF XIV stream this evening went pretty good. It was all astro leveling, like usual, doing the Pixie and Dwarf beast quests, a 50/60/70 roulette, and some of the hunts. I also did the weekly Kai-Shurr deliveries as well.

And big news: 003atom_ant300 - or just Adam for short - became a Twitch affiliate (basically, he can now actually start making money by streaming)! Adam started streaming about the same time I did, about 3-3.5 years ago, so we go WAY back. And apparently Skullsalad, who also dropped by for a visit, is an affiliate as well. So, we just started talking about streaming in general, and had a good time. ;)>

And the records that I played this evening were:

Devo - Oh No! It's Devo!
Johnny Cash - The Sound of Johnny Cash
Motorhead - Overkill
Lou Reed - Rock n' Roll Animal

Okay, time to start getting ready for work. <Take care.> and thanks for watching/reading. And have yourselves a good day/night. ;)>

Link to my Twitch channel.
Link to my Youtube channel.
Why I Stream. and 20 Streamer Rules I Always/Don't Always/Never Follow.
Joe's Workout Videos
Joe's Compos
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