

Joe Schmoe

Hyperion [Primal]

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Joe's Various Doings, 9/29 - 9/30


Did another short Pinball Arcade session this morning. Got two keepers actually:

And my other one:

And this evening's Guild Wars 2 stream was a pretty good one. Like usual, it was all warrior, just doing some map/event running for a little bit. I also tried out a new "elite" specialization, called the berserker. It's a totally different animal in this game. This one wields a torch and can self-immolate himself to deal AoE fire damage. I'm used to berserkers being . . . . . my main build, a "spin-to-win" dual-axe build. Nice to see that they took it in a new direction. :)>

And I also, for the first time ever, I did what's called a "fractal", a sorta-kinda dungeon meets rifts from Diablo 3, randomly generated dungeons with random monsters/mechanics and such. I might actually do this one more often, it was pretty fun.

And here's the LP records I played today:

The Beatles - The White Album
Kraftwerk - Radio-Activity
Prince - For You


This one was hastily done, since I still needed to get a nap in, since I felt like crap due to poor sleep (cold in my apartment).

This morning's Pinball session wasn't anything to write home about. It was pretty much win some, lose some today. I didn't royally suck, but I wasn't exactly turning any heads, either.

Short Guild Wars 2 session today, only about a couple hours long. They were going to update the game, and I still needed to do my FF XIV gunbreaker daily run, so I just went ahead and broke off and did it.

But for the session itself I switched out my huntsman discipline (centered around ranged and off-hand equipment) for my chef profession, since in this game, unlike other games, you previous class won't reset to zero, so you can pick up right where you left off.

Oh, and I got 1,000 achievement points (although I forgot to make a screenie of the achievement ). A big milestone!

And the vinyl LPs I played this evening were

Joe Satriani - Surfing With the Alien
The Washington Post Marching Band - 50 Fabulous March Favorites
Blood, Sweat, and Tears - Self-Titled Second Album

Okay, time to get ready for work. Thanks for tuning in, and have a good night/day everyone. ;)>

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Link to my Youtube channel.
Why I Stream. and 20 Streamer Rules I Always/Don't Always/Never Follow.
Joe's Workout Videos
Joe's Compos
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