

Joe Schmoe

Hyperion [Primal]

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Joe's Rather Crummy Thriday, 7/15 - 7/16


No stream today. My alarms went off, then shut em' off, then.....

Definitely a rough night last night. And now that I think about it, I probably would've given the stream a no-go anyway, even if I did manage to roll out of bed on time.

I did however, manage to do a commentary video though, before having to leave for work.

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Aaaaaand again, no stream. Back, feet, neck and shoulders kinda tender right now. Not to mention that I'm beginning to get sick as well (Throat kinda hurts. Hurts to swallow. Usually followed by an annoying dry cough, then either a stuffy nose then a runny nose or the other way around. Can't remember which order). oh.yay. :|>

I did however, call in sick from work. So at least I won't have to deal with that tonight. So I might go ahead and do another commentary video or something later on. We'll see.

And with this, I'm REEEAAALLY getting close to making it official, no longer streaming at all on my work nights (or specifically Thursdays-Saturdays, the days after I work, not sure which yet).

Buuuut anyway, gonna just call it a night. <Take care>, peeps. And I hope you guys have a good weekend. ;)>

Link to my Twitch channel.
Link to my Youtube channel.
Why I Stream. and 20 Streamer Rules I Always/Don't Always/Never Follow.
Joe's Compos
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