

Joe Schmoe

Hyperion [Primal]

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Joe's Busy-as-a-Bee Weekend, 7/24 - 7/26

Friday Night/Saturday

Played some Slay The Spire last night, just offline though. A game that I haven't played in a long time, as I wasn't feeling DBFZ at the moment. Watched a few YouTube replay vids of it though. Man these DBFZ gameplay vids are fun to watch!

Sorry if this doesn't make any sense.

And I watched episode 10 of Dragon Ball, called "The Dragon Balls are Stolen". Gee, I wonder what's gonna happen in this one! But this episode is the second in which there was no pedo-perv stuff, so I'm wondering if they're starting to tone the stuff down or something, but we'll see come episode 11 (side note: I'm not AGAINST this kind of thing, but I just find it kinda intriguing that this exists in a rated-PG kids show. I doubt seriously you'd see this in today's kids shows, which to me are basically sleep-fests. Dora the Explorer first comes to mind)

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And I WAS going to stream DBFZ this evening, but I called an audible and decided to play Slay The Spire instead, after enjoying it last night. A good long session too, about 3.5 hours, the longest I've streamed in a while (aside from the FF XIV session a few days ago). Usually with fighting games I can only stay on about 2-3 hours and that's about it. In fact, I even streamed it later on as well (A game so nice, I had to stream it twice lol). But I wonder if I'm starting to wind down with fighting games now. Hope not (I might talk about this more in tomorrow's Pseudocast)......


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Uhhhhhh.... Thanks?

Started watching a 1920s silent movie this morning called Nosferatu. Man, that organ player was working overtime, playing almost 90 minutes straight! Otherwise, some good stuff so far.

And this evening's StS stream went good. Had a few close calls, but managed (in this game, if you die, you lose everything and have to start completely over). And like yesterday I did a second stream as well, but this time it was a pretty dead one, with MoltenLava13 only coming on for a little bit. So, I probably won't do those any more unless I've got a good reason to do so.

Sunday Night/Monday

Watched some more Nosferatu last night. Pretty good so far, liking the lack of dialogue (I get that it's a SILENT movie, but still,.....). Kinda the same reason why WALL-E is one of my favorite movies. Sometimes, especially when the dialogue is excessive and/or stupid, it can really bog down what is otherwise a good movie.

Watched episode 11 of Dragon Ball as well. Nnnnnope! As shown above, thus endeth the streak. :/> (there was another pedo-perv moment in there, but I better play it safe lol).

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This part was written hastily, as I went overlong on my stream, and still had other stuff to do tonight.

Excellent Slay the Spire session today! Several times I thought It was about to be game over, but nope. I pulled through in the end. But after doing another complete run it's going to be next to impossible this time around (every complete run you do buffs the monsters and gives you an additional debuff, like less healing or giving you empty cards in your deck etc). So, expect the worst and hope for the best, I guess.

Okay, time to call it a night, guys. Running late! <Take care>, guys. And have yourselves a good night/day. ;)>

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Why I Stream. and 20 Streamer Rules I Always/Don't Always/Never Follow.
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