

Joe Schmoe

Hyperion [Primal]

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Joe's Tuednesday Doings, 12/7 - 12/8


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Started watching Joker (the latest one) this morning after doing my 'Cast. Pretty good movie, although all the smoking was a big turn-off. It's like I'm watching a 60s James Bond flick or something.

And a TERRIBLE session today, especially Pinball. Bad sleep from all the dreams/nightmares I was having, my mind running a movie marathon lol. Gems of War went well enough, but Pinball I was just atrocious. But again, a lot of that I think was due to poor sleep. So what I ended up doing was doing a make-up video of a table (shown above) that Keitaro87 requested during my stream, which went MUCH better than my stream.


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Wow! Even Vladimir Putin plays this game. And he plays guitar too. Awesome!

Finished watching Joker this morning. Good movie, but probably won't watch again, at least not for a while (I explain more about it in my 'Cast above).

And a pretty good Gems of War session too, with a lot of PvP, as well as doing some mat farming.

And xDemon__x came by. Good to see him! It's been a while. And a new visitor named Sovietbulldogtv also came by. Like I was, he's new to the game. So, hopefully I'll be seeing more of him (especially with djscrew361 around to help him out). :)>

Okay, time to call it a night. Still gotta grocery shop, something I haven't done in the past few days. <Take care>, everyone. And have yourselves a good night/day. ;)>

My Gems of War videos
My various 'Cast & Commentary vids
Link to my Youtube channel.
Why I Stream. and 20 Streamer Rules I Always/Don't Always/Never Follow.
Joe's Compos
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