


Ristelle Runelle

Jenova [Aether]

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  • 4

Free Company Difficulties

Myself and three friends all joined FFXIV a year ago. We have been playing frequently for several months now and want to create our own Free Company for several reasons. We seem to have issues with coming up with a name for said free company. We can't seem to pick one everyone agrees with. Plus no housing has opened up in Jenova yet. I feel like I am a bit impatient :P
Kommentare (4)

Furieux Eperdu

Jenova [Aether]

Its easier getting a house on Jenova than busier servers, just have people check the boards at the entry points fairly regularly. I really don't know what kind of timer housing demolition is on, maybe someone with better information can tell you the best times to check.

Noa Jean

Hyperion [Primal]

Faters Gonna Fate. FGF
You're welcome.

Sigurd De-mizar

Phoenix [Light]

Write down a list of all the names people come up with, then vote.

M'aia Ahribani

Jenova [Aether]

I know in the past month or so there have been some in my Company's own sub-division in Mist.
I've managed quite a few new neighbors, so definitely don't give up on finding an open plot to build a home! ^.^

I've also noticed a trend of plots becoming available in the Goblet as well.
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