

Quad Ratini

der Nekromant

Sargatanas [Aether]

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  • 4

Heaven on High - Solo Clear!

Solo Clear
Kommentare (4)

Annabel Ashcroft

Faerie [Aether]

All that effort and just a small post. ;-)

Well congratulations anyway, you put a lot of effort into achieving it. You must have been VERY happy.

Yoru Kuro

Phoenix [Light]

Wow, nice, congratulations!

Quad Ratini

Sargatanas [Aether]

Lol Yeah. I’ll probably post a big followup to it, as I did this on GNB and not on RDM. I’ve learned quite a bit about HoH and GNB in general since then, hence why I attempted to go for the clear.

Right now I have both my saves in Palace on 171-180, so I might just start on that tonight lawl.

Lolo Menehune

Siren [Aether]

Grats Quad! Much respect getting it done, let alone on GNB. Bet at this point you have EVERY aspect of GNB figured and optimized lol.
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