

Quad Ratini

der Nekromant

Sargatanas [Aether]

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Palace of the Dead - Solo Clear!!!

The same week. The same week as my Heaven on High clear. I never thought this would happen in a million years.

So tonight I decided to go from 181-200. I went in with a decent pom set, but I haven't been inside Palace of the dead in a few months actually. I've been getting frustrated with my lack of luck on the 171-180 floor set, as I kept getting to 181 with nothing to help me. You need items 181+, or you won't see 190, let alone 200.

So like I said, I decided to try my luck, and sadly 181-190 was testing me, almost giving me nothing back. However, towards the end of that set, I managed to get a rage on 188, and that allowed me to keep 2 rages going into 191. As for the boss, I only had two lusts but I had leftover steel, so I didn't need 3 lust. The 190 boss is scary as all hell.

Normally I only do one hard floor set a day (hard meaning 71+ HoH and 171 Palace), but I've been pushing to take on a little more. I realized if I was going to clear, I needed to get used to doing more than one floor set. That's why I said to myself "what the hell..." and decided to go for it.

191 Did not start off well, as I had a good 5-6 patrols, which you cannot take without steel. Even worse, in hugging a corner, I think I got stuck and got hit with an AoE, killing me. Fortunately, I had two raisings going into this, and this was my only death.

The floors were not pleasant. Tons of gloomed floors. Any use of my alterations always lead to mimics. However, the real danger was my lack of steel. I had 2 going into 191, and only picked up one more. 24 minutes of steel out of 60 minutes. Not fun. Not fun at all.

Fortunately, I did get some luck. I picked up a few flights and on 198, I managed to get not one, but two rages. Problem was, by 198 I was completely out of serenity. between that and lack of steel, I just said to myself that this was practice. I was genuinely gambling the run, because simply put, I had no moves left.

Since I had two rages, I decided to use one right before leaving 198. This way, if there were a no items floor, I could at least get a few kills before plotting my next move. However, the floor was Gloom/Auto-Heal Disabled, which was really not good for rage form. I managed to kill 5 enemies before being forced to drop it (as I had less than 10% health, next hit would have killed me). I healed up and decided to take a wraith as I decided what I was going to do with my rage.

After it was dead, and after waiting for a patrol to pass by, I had to get creative. There were a group of enemies I could rage, but under the floor effects I would take on too much, and that would kill me and ultimately end the run. I had no strength, steel, and serenity. I did however, have witching. So, in the room before the exit, I intentionally popped a luring trap, witchinged, and raged to kill 5 enemies....

This ultimately opened the passage, giving me the clear. I'm in disbelief right now. I was not expecting a clear tonight. I was seriously just looking to practice!

It's been a hell of a journey. I took on this challenge because not only did I love this content, but also to prove to myself that I could do one of the most challenging content in the game. MMOs don't exactly have a lot of solo achievements (hence the MMO part), so needless to say it feels good to get one of the rarest achievements in the game. I don't know just how many people have the Necromancer title (I am guessing about 50), but now I am one of them.

Bring on the next deep dungeon!

Kommentare (2)

Annabel Ashcroft

Faerie [Aether]

Congrats again. ;-)

Now a terrible thing has happened, the journey is OVER, there is NO challenge left, you are now bored! LOL (Well, unless you try with different jobs)

Well, until the next one I guess......;-)

Quad Ratini

Sargatanas [Aether]

I wouldn’t say that. I do want to solo HOH on other jobs, though that’s not going to be as high as a priority. I have a backlog of games to get to!
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