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E12S Idyllshire Strat (First Half)

This is the standard macro for most Japanese players in Player Finder.
Taken from the "Idyllshire Quarters" blog:
NSEW are of course the directions
YOB are the colors for Titan Anger phase
Should be self-explanatory

/p 【Shiva spread】 【DD stack/icicles】
/p H1 MT D4 NW:H1MT←→D1D3
/p D1 ★ D2 ※
/p D3 ST H2 SE:D4D2←→STH2 ※diagonally
/p 【Titan1】 【Titan2】 cut arena
/p 2O-TH Y-T 2O-D     3O-TH
/p Y-H ★ Y-D B1 ★ B2
/p B-D    3O-D
/p 【Titan3】 【Cast+Shared Beam】S/W
/p Y-TH 4O Y-D
/p ★
/p B-TH B-D
/p 【Big Lions】Puddle duties:
/p N:H1→MT→H1 / D3→D1→D3
/p S:H2→ST→H2 / D4→D2→D4
Kommentare (1)

Zan Zoken

Tonberry [Elemental]

Thank you for these. Was scratching my head trying to find "Idyll" from PF.
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