

Barista am Rande des Universums

Tsuki Rei

Diabolos [Crystal]

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I don't really write a blog on my lodestone page but maybe I'll post for like...posterity or something. I work in a hospital and did everything I could but today I found myself getting tested for COVID. I've had pretty much 95% of the symptoms lately and it's been making me question my mortality.

It lines up with a pretty bad period with my life so I guess we'll see how this goes. It's karma, I think.

Just stay safe y'all and stay healthy.
Kommentare (2)

Shiori Megami

Balmung [Crystal]

Get well soon! I'm sure it'll be alright. Just get some good rest and don't worry so much. Worrying only adds stress and makes it worse. And I don't think it's punishment. This virus goes wherever it can and will infect, so don't be so hard on yourself. Hoping for a quick recovery!

Vesta Neptuna

Ultros [Primal]

I hope you will be alright.
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