

Göttin der Magie

Faelily Seagard

Gilgamesh [Aether]

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CFO's Apartment

This is the apartment of a friend who also happens to be our FC CFO. She's in charge of all our finances and market board sales so she wanted an office/apartment to keep track of her many, many, MANY ventures. Her living space is on the loft, complete with a princess bed (we call her "Princess") and the office is below on ground level, complete with treasure vault, work station, World Market Surveillance system, and of course the security guard. Rumor has it that on a good sales day, she rolls in her gil but I don't think that's true...or is it? You will notice that the monitor to watch the Norvrandt World Markets is not functioning correctly. The repairman is due in to fix that ASAP.
Kommentare (2)

Yalavech Dazkar

Famfrit [Primal]

The question then becomes, does gil buy happiness..??

Faelily Seagard

Gilgamesh [Aether]

lol perhaps temporarily? She just loves her job tbh...I think it's in Lala genes to love making gil
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