

Lunarer Krösus

Zuhichii Rom

Excalibur [Primal]

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We once lived...


Found this recollection in the most unexpected places in game, the constantly filled Friend's List...

Just going through and seeing FC housing details and search comments at the most peculiar hour of midnight, and lo' behold, the words tug my imagination and realities once again. So I find myself wandering into the depths of Amourot, once again, the depths that sees no sunlight, and seems to sink deeper as the days go by. It's a calm surrender, and at times reminder, of the perceptions and perspectives that ages like fine wine or changes through the course of history. What does it mean today? Well today it just echoes the 'We once lived..' tale of rage and fury, but now calmed as deep as the seas embrace, almost like the soul, calm, embraced, and turquoise in color. Serene, letting go, and stable enough. I said I wasn't going to blog again until Endwalker but I had to revisit this timeless ageless scenery before we closed the expansion. And am I glad I did! In a vastly profound way I find myself etching my thoughts into the ocean floor, and into the spires of Amourot and their denizens.
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