

Annabel Ashcroft

Faerie [Aether]

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Anna's Rants: It HAD to be bunny suits......


When I saw the reward for the new Easter event I groaned.

Why? Because I knew when it came out that the world of FF14 would soon be besieged by a legion of bunny suited players.

It is no secret that there are many in the game that have a rather disturbing fascination with anthropomorphic animal avatars, and the ability to so easily flaunt their interest would probably be out in full force.

Now I have not been in the game to see if this is true or not since my sub ran out and I did not renew for a few days, but from past experiences with costume rewards I am sure people are flaunting that bunny costume GREATLY!

Honestly, it almost makes me fear to log on to see the horror currently inflicted on FF14 at this moment.

Is it really THAT bad? Who knows, I just like bitching about those silly animal characters. ;-)

Yeah yeah, I know, people REALLY love me for that. LOL
Kommentare (10)

Esper Eidolon

Diabolos [Crystal]

Have not seen anyone wear it yut....

The worst part of this is they thought it would be a good time to add in a new Easter mount on the optional items rather then make That the Easter item... though since it is a spriggian that doesn’t entirely mean it’s Easter.

But ultimately this seems to be the most unpopular set in a very long time.... maybe next to snow man

Bunni Qq

Behemoth [Primal]

Great. Bunny monstrosity. I will quarantine in mist home until it's over.

Annabel Ashcroft

Faerie [Aether]

Oh Esper, hearing that gladdens my steely heart. ;p

LOL Aala, I didn't want to leave the inn room! Aria forced me out to see her and she was WEARING it! AGGGH!

Luckily my MSQ roulette popped quickly after that and I was saved from that torture. ;p

So even though I was on, I did not see how many there actually were out there.

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Lolo Menehune

Siren [Aether]

So what Anna is saying, everyone wearing a bunny outfit or a Krile outfit go up and say hi. Hug her, circle her, chant..err..sing a song for her. Anna will love it, we will love sharing the love to her. :D

Sarah Logangar

Brynhildr [Crystal]

Hah I just made a blog post as well about this and yes they are out in full force and its horrifying.
Thancred is sporting a blue bunny outfit and dancing all day in crystarium as usual, there are bunnys all over in the casino and jacobs is wearing a golden one.

Those costumes are creepy.

Annabel Ashcroft

Faerie [Aether]

LOLO! Don't you DARE encourage people! AGGH!

And people have DONE this too! I KNEW I should not have resubbed yet!

Oh Sarah, that sounds horrible! I think I will just do my roulettes from the inn for at least a MONTH! ;p

Bunni Qq

Behemoth [Primal]

Lolo is adorable and inspiring. I fear for your virtual life.

Lolo Menehune

Siren [Aether]

Awwww ty Aala <33 :D

Annabel Ashcroft

Faerie [Aether]

Lolo makes FF14 a VERY scary place!

NEVER trust the Lala's!

So, I have ventured out into the FF4 wilds and it don't look too bad. Barely any bunny outfits were seen, which was a GOOD thing!

I will be sure to run screaming if any seem a little TOO interested in me. ;p

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Annabel Ashcroft

Faerie [Aether]

What, the ERP? :O
Or the crazy players? ;p
Or the ANNOYING players ;-)
Or your so called 'friends' who decide to wear the bunny suit around you JUST to drive you crazy!!!

Yeah, FF14 IS scary, WHY did I resub? AGGGH!

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