

Kahori Harukawa

die Weiße

Coeurl [Crystal]

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The End Of An Era


This past week, Hikari Karibuchi, my personal bank retainer for over three years, turned in her resignation. In her impromptu meeting with me she said, "I would like to return to my own timeline to help eradicate the neuroi menace in Europe. It has been a fruitful three plus years of fishing and retainer work, but it is time for me to say goodbye. Thank you for the memories, Miss Kahori. Goodbye and good luck."

A day later, a young woman, her male partner and a young baby arrived in Limsa at the Drowning Wench where I was having a meal with Bongaboi, my husband. "Is this Limsa Lominsa?" asked the girl. She had hair tied back in low twintails and had azure eyes and a warm smile.

"Yes," said Bonga. "Welcome to Eorzea. You must be new here, oh, wait-you must be the new people my wife here has picked to succeed Miss Hikari, who has returned home to her own timeline. Have a seat. I am Bongaboi, the gift that keeps on giving."

"Hina Amano is my name," said Hina, bowing. "This is my husband Hodaka Morishima, and our daughter, Nana."

"Good morning to you all," Hodaka said. "Thank you for having us here. Are you Miss Kahori?"

"Miss Kahori Harukawa, at your service," I said. "So you are the ones who will be taking over for Miss Hikari Karibuchi, who I gave an honorable discharge. You're gonna be here for quite a while." A few runners provided the family with some rice balls and udon.

"Mmm, this is good," Hodaka said, digging in. "Scrumptious! Did you make this?"

"Nah, even though Bae here is a master culinarian, we decided to order via tomestone."

"Tomestone?" Hina asked.

"Basically, your mobile phone. Online delivery," Bonga explained. "So, how do you like this place?"

"It's great, lots of people running around, lots of energy and activity, really fun."

"Well, you are here because you have some big shoes to fill," I said. "Hina, do you know what a retainer does?"

"Retainer? No, I don't...all I know is how to control weather if it rains."

"Well, you won't have to worry about disappearing when the skies clear, but your ability will be changed into something that allows you to remain here. With your husband and your child. Anyway, a retainer sells items that his or her employer assigns him or her to sell. I have some items that you need to sell to the market. That's one job. Another job is being able to either hunt or gather. Hina, do you know to fish?"

"No, I don't know how..."

"Ha! Hina, you're gonna be doing some fishing for once!" Hodaka said. "Actual work!"

"I guess so."

"And you will be fishing like you have never fished before," said Bonga. "You will be a level 80 fisher, meaning you can do any expedition that my wife assigns you, through allowances we call venture scrips. Sometimes you can even recover special minions that you will sell for the currency we call gil."

"Wow, that's so cool!" Hina exclaimed.

"And speaking of gil," I added, "You are going to be my bank retainer, meaning you are in charge of all the money I have. If I need money, I will turn to you."

"Cool, to be in charge of Miss Kahori's finances...I feel grown up now. This is a completely new experience for me."

"Don't worry, you will settle nicely in your role," said Bonga. "By the way, Bae means 'my dear.' I like to call Kahori Bae, just so you know. Finally, you have a special role, and that is personal Skywatcher."

"Personal Skywatcher?" asked Hina.

"That's right," I said. "You will need to use this to tell me what the weather will be across Eorzea, Othard and Norvrandt. This is called a linkpearl. Communication device." I handed Hina and Hodaka their linkpearls. "By the way, my husband's retainers are offering to babysit in case you are busy."

"No, we can handle it on our own," Hodaka said. "We just need a place to stay."

"My apartment room will have everything you need. Food, beds and also a personal aesthetician if you want to change your hairstyle. He is a good friend of mine, by the way, as I have connections to Ishgard. But you will be assigned to the market boards in the Crystarium, the main city in Norvrandt. It's a beautiful place."

"I can imagine so," Hina said. "Well, I will go ahead and look around before I finally get to work."

"Oh, and one more thing," Bonga said. "Your clothes and gear. A taste of home, I reckon."

"Hey, this is what I usually wear over in Tokyo, the hoodie, shorts, shoes and necklace! You remembered!"

"It's as close as we can get it. Hopefully, this will inspire you to do your job and have fun. When you guys are settled, let me know and we'll get you started. One more on top that, a tome. Also known as a book. Open it."

Hina opened the tome, which revealed all the adventures and my story so far in doing good for Eorzea, Othard and Norvrandt. The battles, the losses, the highs and lows. All three of them now saw it all, to the strains of "Torn From The Heavens."

"What a journey," said Hina. "We saw everything you did. We are ready to begin working for you."

"Thank you for having us," Hodaka said.

"Please take of us!" said the two of them, bowing before they took their leave.

"The end of a era, eh Bae?" Bonga said to me, as they headed off into the sunset. "Sad to see Hixy go like that, but she did all she could."

"I don't feel bad about it. We have someone assertive enough to take on this role as my bank retainer," I said. "I see a little bit of me in her. She's going to be a great fit, Hina will. And she's going to have some good company with Rin, Kaguya, my potato clone...and Toki."

"Where one door closes, another opens," he said, stretching. "And thus, the show must go on."
Kommentare (1)

Bongaboi Pangyatoy

Coeurl [Crystal]

The end of an era indeed. Hikari was one of the first retainers Kahori enlisted. However she is also a Brave Witch, and it came to a point where her military obligations took critical priority. Hence, she was let go and replaced with Hina. Hope the Sunshine Girl make a run of this.
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