


X'lota Qi

Lamia [Primal]

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Make it Rain Campaign 2020 guide

This year for the Make It Rain Campaign we meet up with Nanaphon again and are recruited to help out at the Saucer. We get a nifty emote and the usual 50% boost to MGP.

Make it Rain is always one of the simpler seasonal events with main focus on the MGP buff and the sale on certain items. Like it or not this is a typical Make it Rain event.

Everyone is disappointed that All Saints' Wake was canceled but we should be supportive of the devs who did what they felt they had to to keep people safe and to deliver their patches. Personally I would have delayed other content if it meant we could have an All Saints' Wake event, but nothing we can do about that now.

It was recently tweeted that the Rainmaker Hairstyle will likely be put on the shop at some point. Not the best choice, but it would give people a way to obtain it.

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