

Yue Lei

die mächtigste Beschwörerin

Cactuar [Aether]

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  • 7

When You Finally Find the Right FC

Finding the right FC can be a bit of a challenge. Depending on what you're looking for, an FC has a lot that it can offer you. But when you finally find what you are looking for, an FC can really improve the experience that this game has to offer.

I didn't strike gold the first time I had joined and FC. I was very new to the game and really had no idea what an FC was when I got my first invite. After looking up what I could find what FCs were and what they entailed I was actually really excited to join. I had decided to play FF14 solo (It's not as fun solo, but the story really makes up for that) but I had decided a little community wouldn't be so bad.

So I accepted the invite and it didn't take long before I realized something was up. I felt more like I was just a number to boost their ranks than an actual member. Whenever I would log on, no one would never greet me. When I would try to greet others I would simply be ignored. Others would ask if anyone would like to run roulettes and such, and every time I voiced my enthusiasm to join, it would be like I did not exist. I once decided to have an entire conversation with just myself and no one took any notice.

Others in the FC were quick to make friends and seemed to enjoy chatting, but I found I wasn't to only one to be ignored so I left the FC. A couple of days go by and I run into someone from the FC who asked me why I left. I responded with "I'm surprised you even noticed since no one talked to me the entire time I was there" (I was in the FC for close to a month). They were a fairly active member and said the FC usually treats newcomers like that. How do you expect someone to stay when they feel like they don't belong? Anyways that FC wasn't right for me.

I jumped right away at the next FC I could find that looked like it had a friendly group. It was a larger FC and had a lot of really nice members, but it was also full of drama. People were always bickering and you could tell the FC was pretty much divided. Not really what I was looking for, but I didn't have to worry about leaving. A bunch of us were booting for voicing our opinions how stupid everyone was acting.

It was difficult from there out to find an FC that would be right for me until one day I was reading some comments on one of the FF14 communities on PSN when I noticed someone was recruiting members for an FC on my server. I was a little skeptical at first but decided to give it a try. I have never been happier with an FC. It's fairly active, it's members are very friendly and it has that strong sense of community that I was looking for. Members are always willing to help, give advice, even give/craft items that other members need with no hesitation. And no big drama.

I had found that I enjoyed the game so much more just with the support of the FC, or just knowing I had someone to talk to. It makes you realize how much more enjoyable the game can be when you don't have to go it alone (I still like to solo once in a while, but that can get boring and lonely)
Kommentare (7)

Lolo Menehune

Siren [Aether]

Yue I'm really happy you ended up with Tifka's FC. They have been around for a quick minute and have a fairly sound structure.
The challenge finding a decent FC that actually gives a dam and TALKS..well the Struggle is REAL. Trust me I've been a member to one of the largest on Siren, to a small group of members and had positive and minus to both. It wasn't until I started my own FC did I finally experience what a FC should be!
My offer to heal or tank for you always stands! ;D

Yue Lei

Cactuar [Aether]

I wouldn't mind if you'd want to tank or heal with me in a trial or full party dungeon. I have yet to heal in one if those

Lolo Menehune

Siren [Aether]

Ok cool I'm typically on around 20:30. PST ; )

Mahdi Draaken

Faerie [Aether]

glad you found a place to call home.
as an FC lead, i strive to create a great, fun, welcoming atmosphere.
It can be tough juggling all the needs and wants of members, but when people feel like they really belong, as you said..the game becomes way more enjoyable

Tifka Stormmoon

Siren [Aether]

Glad you like us too. Has been an interesting month getting used to new faces and pruning out bad apples. We finally found our equilibrium from the last recruiting drive.

But yah, Sekka and Kira are amazing - best leaders I've ever had in a Guild in a long time. As long as you can put up with Astral and I mouthing off at each other, you'll be fine.

Lolo still needs to show me his impression of a zoom tank though :p

Mahdi Draaken

Faerie [Aether]

i can be zoom tank for you

zoom zoom

Lolo Menehune

Siren [Aether]

I'm down for a all Tank Zoom Mahdi :D Tifka time to dust off that suit of armor and join the zoomMmM!
No left side armor, just weapon right side/ cooldowns and ZoOooOom :P
But what Mahdi says is correct, I personally refuse to allow mu FC expand beyond a point I can't remember names of my members. I feel the balance is a challenge, but the reward of members excited about achievements, or simply expressing how much they enjoy being part of the team. Priceless!
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