

Yue Lei

die mächtigste Beschwörerin

Cactuar [Aether]

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My Ceremony of Eternal Bond

Yesterday I had my first ever Ceremony of Eternal Bonding. Some of what I really like about the ceremony is that it seems that SE really put a lot of effort into these Ceremonies. Of course they can always be better but at first I was thinking it was just going to be something small (and it can be) and not very impactful but I was surprised of what all you can do.

I found it's even more enjoyable when you really do it with someone you have a connection with. Ours was pretty simple, it was my first I've ever been to (never even went as a guest) so I didn't really know what to expect. It was nice seeing our friends there to enjoy the day with us and I like that it's invitation only. Helps to avoid any wedding crashers. The ceremony was beautiful but I really wish there was more to the reception. But we made up for it afterwards. When we all got out we hunted down Odin and defeated him, and then had a beach party in Costa which was fun. Everyone also took a ton of pictures.

The game should really give you an option though after the ceremony to change your name. I have to pay $10 to change it which I haven't decided if I'm going to because I don't really want to use $10 right now for a name change and as much as I want us to have the same name I'll just have to make due right now.

Now I can't wait to see what it's like to have an anniversary ^_^
Kommentare (2)

Tifka Stormmoon

Siren [Aether]

I'm so sorry Juni and couldn't be there.

Yue Lei

Cactuar [Aether]

You guys were missed but we understand
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