

Yue Lei

die mächtigste Beschwörerin

Cactuar [Aether]

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Um diesem Charakter zu folgen, ist eine Erlaubnis erforderlich. Möchtest du eine Erlaubnisanfrage stellen?

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Or so I have been feeling since the update. Now that they've reworked SMN I am now dealing some major damage. I can stack my Ruin IV, most spells do more damage if the target is inflicted with bio and miasma. I can stack aetherflow more frequently, and cast deathflare more often.

To those tanks begging me to stop stealing all the aggro I have one thing to say to you. Try and stop me.

In all seriousness I am really loving SMN. It feels more how I always thought it should have been from the beginning. I do accumulate more aggro than I'm used to but I just need more practice and Pace myself, especially with all the new tanks.

All in all I'm quite happy, except for physick. SMH what were you thinking SE?
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