

Belinda Forrest

die Bewahrerin Eorzeas

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I Love Decorating #9 - An Apology

To all those who have followed my blog, I am, for the time being, stopping this series.

I got a new computer due to needing Win 10 to continue the game, & my screenshots were lost in the process. Evidently, having ss in folders within other folders, & sometimes even within folders inside those folders, screenshots, if not other pics, are lost - rendered black. The only ones remaining are those downloaded for this blog site, & those will have to be eliminated eventually, since I have a limit on ss for the blog.

My sincere apologies. I will have to re-visit folks & take new ss. As you can see below, I have already figured out how to get them on my new/rebuilt Asus, different from my older Lenovo.

The view here is from the entrance to my friend Starla's new house in Shirogane; she really lucked out with a site right on the beach.

For those of you who might be curious (or even if you don't care - lol) here is a view of where I am in the msq in the game - Heaven on High in the Ruby Sea. Yesterday, I learned to breathe underwater - lol.

I will be starting my series again, when I have gathered pics.

Thank you for your patience,

Bel Forrest

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