

Taila Longtail

Diabolos [Crystal]

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Entry 3: This place (an RP Journal entry)

It's mid day before I woke up. It seems I slept off the side effects of the 3 pints of Nidhogs rage I had last night... or was it 4. Shit. Im sure the cinnamon drink I had at another place didnt help. I feel like I like could drink a lake right now.
I really need to keep to my 2 drink limit. I got stuck reminiscing and blurted out some things I shouldn't have. But thankfully the gentleman I was talking to miss took it for being drunk. I dont know how these people are going to react if they knew. If they knew I wasnt native to Eorzea.

Maybe they would be okay with it...

Maybe... maybe I dont want to chance it. I the owner is really nice, always friendly and welcoming. We got to compare and talk about hats tonight. I will have to dig out my old favorite. I would really like them to be my friends. I dont really have that many.
The owner said something to his friend last night that has given me a little hope
"a slow night, but a good one"
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