

Schlaflose Forscherin

Lilyhannah Lunafreya

Midgardsormr [Aether]

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Ala Mhigo is FREE!

So much has gone on, I don't have the picture slots to post it all! Another post later tonight maybe?

I'll talk about these photos- I reunited with Aymeric (such long time no see!) for the final assault on Ala Mhigo, this particular photo is from after the battle though, because we won! Let's not get too ahead-

We were lucky to find a sneakier way in to save Krile, save for me accidentally setting off an alarm and Thancred having to hold his breath for ten minutes underwater. Urianger also equipped us with something to overcome Fordola's power up. Krile is okay now, but still a little weak from the affects of sitting in some magitek ark thing. Fordola was taken alive, as Lyse insisted on making her live to see Ala Mhigo free and live with the consequences of killing her friends and Conrad.

With the district freed, we prepared to face Zenos. In the process of breaking the wall, we ran into the Lupin- those who didn't even know that Lord Hien is alive and Doma is free! After a fierce battle, we managed to persuade them that it is indeed the truth, and they joined us. Lord Hien and Yugiri swooped in on their birds shortly after, taking out some airborne magitek!

We stormed the palace as soon as the gates cracked open enough. My team and I headed as fast as we could to confront Zenos, and he insisted on a round two on the top of the palace. I arrived to see... Shinryu, binded. Zenos used the Resonant power to merged with Shinryu, so of course, I had to fight him like that too. My friends and I were triumphant, nevertheless!

We were unable to take him prisoner, as he ended it himself, satisfied with the battle regardless of the outcome. The flower beds on top of the palace make a nice photoshoot though! The view is stunning!

Now that Ala Mhigo is free... the rebuild comes. Lyse insisted on talking with the Scions after, how she wishes to continue focusing her efforts on her newfound leadership. It's understandable, of course, and the Scions will still support whenever needed. I'll miss her a lot after this journey though.

As for what to do now? Arenvald invited me to go on a classic adventure, just like what we used to do before the Echo led us to the Waking Sands. It's nice, most people think of me as "The Warrior of Light", and Arenvald long knew me before that title started sticking. It makes me feel more... human.

Oh yeah! I met that adventurer Rich Campbell again, and it was his first time reaching Rhalgr's Reach! There was a welcoming party, and we all got out our Yols. Very wholesome! We also floated in the waters of the Reach together.

I still have some other photos to post, like when the famous adventurer Asmongold finished his trial on the Steps of Faith (and the welcoming party before the trial). I havent taken much photos from clubbing, but I can post and review them later tonight, maybe after I hit a few more bars first.

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