

Alestrae Vanrys

Louisoix [Chaos]

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Alestrae - of Wings, Claws and Tales (Entry 3)

Hmm... where to begin?
I know!

You remember I talked about the small Captain with the big personality.

Well she turned up again. I never mentioned this, but she threw down a gauntlet to the Rogues Guild and threatened us with closure. You can imagine how the others took this change of affairs.

Anyway, Jacke dove into this contest with all the, no, not enthusiasm.. dilligence that he applies to all of his marks, and we snaffled one artefact out from the yellow jackets noses. Which believe me is hard to do with Madame Captain. Her nose is closer to the floor than even mine.

Then we rounded up the rest of the pirate cronies and handed them over to her for her "justice". (Seriously, Madame Captain could probably send Bahamut crying to his bedroom without supper. Mind you that is probably why he was so cranky when the Garleans knocked on his front door.) However, this mission had a profound effect on Jacke, something about the Executioners. He blew off his bad mood by confiscating pictures from a poor reporter who happened to be on scene, a copy of which is now below.

See what I mean about Madame Captain's nose.

Anyway, I decided to take up a duty I had been neglecting for a significant amount of time. Envoy of Gridania to the other nations. Yay me...

Here is me meeting even more august personages of the Eorzea Alliance.

It seems that part of an Envoy's duties is to learn a significant number of dances. Not to appear coeurlish but, I suspect all of which are probably practical jokes played on foreigners.

Till next time.
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