


Madain Sari

Tonberry [Elemental]

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Memorable Roulette Experience

I actually forgot to post this last night, but eh.

So, I went on to my Leveling Roulette as a low level Monk and as the normal human being that I am, I did it roughly an hour before reset. I landed into Halatali with three sprouts on board. Two of them are probably a couple? Siblings? Can't tell. The one is a WHM and the other is still a Marauder.

Pushing through, the third guy disconnected and never came back. Don't know if just badly disconnecting or facepalmed at the fact that they're both babies (because that's a thing that happens these days I guess). Add up the healer dying, but good thing I had a Phoenix Down handy (a residue from spamming PoTD way back). Really felt sad, you know. New players holding the short and thin end of the stick early into the game like this.

Despite me being the DPS, I acted as the de facto leader to guide both tank and the healer as to what to do. Good thing they're both EN or I'll have to suffer through translation again and hope I don't come out as rude.... 多分、知らない間によくあることなんだろうな... The tank was doing funny stuff like randomly stunning and spinning around, good thing I managed to coach him out of it. The healer is another story, I guess. I mean, baby tanks are squishy, so I guess the Cure spam is justified in a way...?

Wish the Elnix siblings/couple can read this. Lowkey hoping I could run with them again
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