

Bongaboi Pangyatoy

Coeurl [Crystal]

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J'ai Fondu (The Cheesy Potato)

J'AI FONDU (The Cheesy Potato)
(B. Pangyatoy/K. Harukawa)

Give me Ishgard, give me your power,
Give me Fury every hour.
Give me magic, unto the night,
Rush of blood goes through my nose.

Don't you see I, I want you, and I you,
I want to do it again.
Can't you see I, I need you,
Your life is my life!

J'ai fondu, and I've been in this place before,
In the Firmament, and I know that I'm on a roll,
Allez cou cou, and you know it's no mystery,
Dancing like a yol, it's so hard
When I try to be B, UwU!

J'ai fondu, and I blasted through Heavensward
In the Firmament, and you know that I'm on a roll,
Allez cou cou, but you know it's no mystery,
Dancing like a yol is so hard
When I try to be B, yaaaargh!

Give me toy hunts, and Chirpy Checker,
Give me Mighty Maximizer!
Give me stuffed toys, marching as one
And the fun begins to play!

Don't you see I, I want you, and I you,
I want to do it again.
Can't you see I, I need you,
Your life is my life!

J'ai fondu, and I've been in this place before,
In the Firmament, and I know that I'm on a roll,
Allez cou cou, and you know it's no mystery,
Dancing like a yol, it's so hard
When I try to be B, UwU!

J'ai fondu, and I blasted through Heavensward
In the Firmament, and you know that I'm on a roll,
Allez cou cou, but you know it's no mystery,
Dancing like a yol is so hard
When I try to be B, yaaaargh!

Give me Ishgard, give me your power,
Give me Fury every hour.
Give me magic, unto the night,
Rush of blood goes through my nose.

Don't you see I, I want you, and I you,
I want to do it again.
Can't you see I, I need you,
Your life is my life!

J'ai fondu, and I've been in this place before,
In the Firmament, and I know that I'm on a roll,
Allez cou cou, and you know it's no mystery,
Dancing like a yol, it's so hard
When I try to be B, UwU!

J'ai fondu, and I blasted through Heavensward
In the Firmament, and you know that I'm on a roll,
Allez cou cou, but you know it's no mystery,
Dancing like a yol is so hard
When I try to be B, yaaaargh!
Kommentare (2)

Kahori Harukawa

Coeurl [Crystal]

Song Notes:
No surprise here. Bonga wanted to write one dedicated to the Fetes, and this is what he wanted. Pretty simple and straightforward hi-NRG.

Kahori Harukawa

Coeurl [Crystal]

"J'ai fondu" = I melt (in an R-18 manner)
"Allez cou cou" = Come on, darling.
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