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Dawntrail Complete!

I'm officially in Post-Dawntrail! Took me about 6mo, which was the same as Endwalker and Stormblood.

I thought the first half of DT was weaker than the second half. Though that's probably because it's almost immediately after the epic wrap-up of Endwalker. I think I took about 4mo with the first half, while the second half only took me about 2mo.

That said, I still appreciated the Dawnservant contest of the first half. It was slow, but also relaxing. For the first time in awhile, we're not trying to save the world or even universe. As an adventurer, we're actually adventuring.

But it was nice to get back to saving the world in the second half, as we unraveled the mystery of the "City of Gold." I'm hoping we explore more of the new Tural-Alexandria relationship going forward.

During this, I did get both Viper and Pictomancer to 100. I'm not that into Viper; kinda boring, IMO. Though a friend said I missed out on the interesting Viper gameplay, as I started it after major changes to the class' gameplay. Pictomancer is more enjoyable, though I'm still learning how to use the class effectively. As a ranged main, probably no surprise I'm enjoying PIC more than VPR.

Anyway, think the first thing I'll do is unlock The Arcadion raids. Jump off the MSQ for a little bit again. Probably even time to start a new class. Maybe it's time to learn tank!
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