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Week 4 of 2021 - Friends and Origins

For those of you gracing this blog with your presence, thank you for your patronage! ありがとうございます!

Week 4 of 2021 has rounded out the first month of the year. Goodbye January!

Has January treated you well? Though the work day peppered me with stress and responsibility, the non-work related aspects of my life have kept me sane and helped me relax. And one of those ways to relax, of course, has been FF14.

While it has been a fun month of getting back into the rhythm of FF14, nothing beats the joy of having a friend join you in a dungeon or help you run your daily duty roulettes.

While I am no long-time veteran of FF14, this isn't my first run of the game; or my second. A few IRL/Online friends and I decided to jump on FF14 as another game in our repertoire of nightly activities while in the early stages of COVID-19 quarantine. For me, it was a second shot at FF14 since Heavensward was released; for them, it was a fresh start in a brand new realm. Those few months of playing together and grinding the story were a great foundation for my current love of FF14. However, time progressed and interests waned, as they tend to, and we found ourselves rotating through different games.

Fast-forward 7 months and to the start of this year and I find myself back in FF14, but alone. While I am fine with solo playing, I couldn't help but remember the joy of playing with friends and chatting while crafting and gathering. Fast-forward once again and now we find ourselves at the start of this week, where I am somewhat surprised find myself joined once again by one of my friends, who, like myself, decided that FF14 was a more fitting MMO than another MMO that we had spent our Christmas grinding away at.
(Can anyone guess the game-that-shall-not-be-named?)

Now, we are back to pressing the story and doing our dailies. My friend is finally dipping into the crafting realm, so the hope is we can both enjoy the end-game together. The joy from the past is now the joy of today. Though I don't know how long it will last this time, I plan to thoroughly enjoy the time that we shall play together... not to mention the benefit of having a tank/healer who can speed up my queue for a dungeon while I DPS.
(I know that you all know the truth of this! Hahaha!)

Overall, the message for this week is:
Be nice to your friends and enjoy your time with them. They tend to make things more bearable and more fun.

Have fun out there.
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