


Runa Azuren

Lich [Light]

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A Return to Form

HOI! :3

Good day to you all, it's been a looooooong time since my last post...things have been a bit crazy and I haven't even started my endwalker journey...but I'll get round to it when I'm ready. :)

In the mean time, I've decided to get back on the travel log again! :D
Can't deprive people of what they want. ;P

This week is just some recent pics I took while updating some glams but next week will be back in full force! >:D

Hope you enjoy them!

Soon Spriggy, soon we take over Eorzea! >:D

Really like the 'Tidal Wave' Primal gear, always been a fan of Leviathan.

Been trying out the new Summoner!
Took a little learning to forget how it was before, but I actually quite like it. :)

Still love Machinist, such a fun job!

A cheeky one I took while in Gridania and a Lala band started performing!
That was a really fun evening. :D

And thats all for now, wishing you all a wonderful weekend as ever. :3

Kommentare (2)

Susuki Suki

Lich [Light]

So cool!

Runa Azuren

Lich [Light]

Wah! Thank you Susu! :D
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