


Losira Azural

Hyperion [Primal]

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It's All RP!!!

There's always been or at least seems to have been, a divide between role playing (RP) players, and player who do not RP. I never really thought much about it and would have casually considered myself to be a non-RP player. I mean, who has time to come up with a back story much less stay in character for it when you play? Right? Right?

Y'all know where this is going of course, I mean read the title of this post. Yeah, no suspense here. For that last 7 or 8 months, I've been attending in game parties and concerts. It's been so much fun! I've met new friends and it has scratched the social itch that even introverts like me have! It's been a godssend during the global pandemic! Well guess what? IT'S ALL RP!!!

Yeah, all RP. For me at least, I'm no longer sitting in front of a monitor and keyboard. I'm at a party at Allure, or the Velvet Room. I'm cheering and dancing to the music of the Songbirds or Mosh Mosh. Or maybe I'm just people watching in Limsa or hanging at the FC house. None of these things is happening to my physical body, it is all RP.

So I guess the real question is, when you sit down to play, is there a keyboard or controller, and a monitor in front of you? Or are you in Eorzea?

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