

Zhloes Freund

Khit'li L'ocar

Goblin [Crystal]

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Missing Eorzea Already

I guess you could say the image I painted/drew is of Alphinaud missing Eorzea. Yet at the same time i'm off world doing other duties in that thing we call real life. Live streaming a music set, I wish I would've advertised it in a way that we could've all been together playing Triple Triad while listening into the bard un-like abilities I've been gaining off world.

Garage Band doesn't have the same abilities as the harp, and I"m far too unskilled to use my harp - the Machinist's gun is too easy, and the Gunblade gives me the cooties and creeps.

I mean you can't really make music off a gun or a gunblade can you?

I guess we'll never know?!?
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