

Seleni Cereus

Jenova [Aether]

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WTB house exterior preview function

As titled.

I’ve tried using sites like to check up on the house exterior, but I couldn’t find actual in game screenshots of some walls/roofs. So it’s hard to picture in my mind how a wall/roof combo would look, and there’s no easy way to tell what parts can be colored in each piece.

So I ended up crafting 10+ roof and walls pieces to get all 18 (had 2 from initial construction and like 4 crafted when deciding on the look of previous house). The mats took much longer than the time it took to craft actual pieces. And I had to temporarily throw all my fishing tackles and lures into FC chest to make room in the inventory. I didn’t have the energy (nor limestones) left to craft the door and window pieces, so I just crafted a couple.

In the end I settled on riviera composite roof + glade stone walls. I’m still not fully convinced on the look, and I might change it yet. But well at least now I have all the glade/riviera/oasis roofs and walls to work with if I feel like changing it. orz

...I wonder if the FC crafted pieces have crafter/FC’s name on them. If not maybe I could convince myself it’s same as the pieces you can buy from vendor (which in terms of backdrop story had to be crafted by npc’s anyway) and duty drops. sigh

Oh and I got my first level 80 in the process. Carpenter. I was turning in starred provisional piece for GC seals, which I needed for venture coins, when it happened.

So now I’m a sprout with a level 80. woot?
Kommentare (2)

Lolo Menehune

Siren [Aether]

I'm not sure whether to congratulate you or hug you and tell you everything is going to be ok.

Seleni Cereus

Jenova [Aether]

Thanks? lol

Crafting itself is fine; I like the process. It's just a lot of limestones and nails and bricks...

More importantly, the pieces are taking up valuable inventory space. But I don't want to craft them all again, so they sit on my retainers now.

Blog updated with how my house currently looks.
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