


Atom Ancient

Diabolos [Crystal]

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I forgot to remember...

Welcome back!
Wait... I can't say that, since it was me who was gone. And, technically, I didn't go anywhere. Just a staycation.

I've been playing, and playing and playing. I've been playing so much I forgot to document my experiences. Which was the whole point of this blog.

So, back on track: I've been pushing the msq and trying my best to shield my eyes from all those other quests that pop up. Constantly reminding myself that just because they're there, I don't in fact have to take them. The worst ones are the blues, side tracks that lead to places I don't need to go, doing things I don't need to do! Unlocking all sorts of fun endgame places that aren't end game anymore. It's been tough steering clear of those obstacles and staying focused on the main story. But I've gotten RDM and PLD to 72 and looking forward to Shadowbringers. Except I can't seem to get out of the after party of Stormblood. I opened up Eureka, Spoiler Alert!
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except it really isn't Eureka, it's the lost city of the Baldesions, that supposedly exploded.
That was close! I almost gave away that little secret.

Anyroad, It's seems like it's getting harder to talk about the MSQ without spoiling anything.

This one thing though, the jumping puzzle in Kugane is driving me mad! I'll be frank, I've always been bad at jumping puzzles, with one caveat. If I can make it thru on the first go it's like magic! I'm flowing in the zone, jumping dodging weaving like a super anime ninja! But if I fall or miss or doink the wrong thing, I'm screwed... After that I'm like a one legged aardvark with it's head up it's own bum. I can't make the simplest of jumps and after 20 tries to the hard part in the middle of the puzzle I miss the clutch jump and it's back to the beginning. Screaming at my character and the world and the building, cursing the modelers and developers for putting this devilish entrapment in my path! Curse you, Puzzle-Fiend!

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