

Chima Nyami

die Erlöserin

Twintania [Light]

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Delving Dungeons...?

Yesterday, I got to the point where I needed to run my first dungeon: Sastasha! Queue up, wait... Ah! Even as a damage dealer, the queue went quite fast.

It's been a while since I last entered this den of pirates. I really liked some of the new tools Arcanists had at this level compared to years ago. The dungeon went quite fast... Ah, wait- isn't this a bit too fast? Wait for meee! Aaaaaah!

Kidding aside, there were times when we were dragging monsters for quite a long while to gather several packs at once. For me, this felt a little bit... rushed, perhaps. I can keep up and Bio stuff while running quite okay, but I'd feel more comfortable if we were dragging monsters a bit less.

New plan! I'll try doing the mandatory dungeons as a tank. I never played Gladiator much, so going to try that. Let's see how Tam-Tara Deepcroft goes this evening! ^_^
Kommentare (2)

Annabel Ashcroft

Faerie [Aether]

Well if you DO play tank you can control the speed of the run, though people might bitch at you about it. But hey, DPS's are a dime a dozen. ;p

But if the healer bitches, eek! LOL

Chima Nyami

Twintania [Light]

Exactly my thought!

If the healer gets cranky, I'll just... move like my life depended on it (because it will) T_T

Maybe I'll look into joining a Free Company a bit faster than I expected.
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