


Aster Morningstar

Lamia [Primal]

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[Lamia][FC][C][Discord] Phoenix Legends<LGNF>

If you are looking for a chill FC please consider Phoenix Legends on the Primal Lamia server. We enjoy helping our members clear content, and farm mounts. In addition, we also have a active discord community thank one can join to stay up to date on FC events. If interested please feel free to apply in game.
Kommentare (3)

Tahira Kuric

Exodus [Primal]

id like to join. im looking for a FC that can help me lvl my crafting and gathering faster as well and i want to meet new ppl as well

Aster Morningstar

Lamia [Primal]

I will send you a invite when I get home tonight.

Lynarra Mythrip

Lamia [Primal]

I am back in game and would like to rejoin if you all would have me
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