


Zimzimki Shimizu

Coeurl [Crystal]

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2022 FFXIV Writing - Prompt 19: Turn a Blind Eye

Dear Journal,

Ya know, there are some folks in life that do some pretty unseemly things; yet I know they're still good- somewhere deep inside.

Take Mr. Moon for example.

His brother Kiladus was an upstanding gentleman who mayhap enjoyed booze and brothels too much, but such an amazing man and dear friend. The star lost an amazing soul when he passed. Then there's Tacitus Moon. He, too, appears to be of strong character...but also a braggard about all sorts of questionable activities:

Robbin' folks, stealin' smallclothes, breaking 'n entering, fighting, and gods he's got a crass mouth. And soft lips all reekin' of shite alcohol.

But you know what? Even given all that, he's still a valued friend. And a man o'loyal character; I've no doubt.

Do I support his wayward habits? His illegal activities? His flagrant disregard for authority? Nay. But, I do overlook it. Oft' times I'll pretend to not have heard whatever mumbling he just prattled on about. No one needs to know what noble's been hornswaggled or a certain stain on the floor isn't rolanberry sauce.

He's my friend. And he's saved my life a few times. He's a good man, despite his faults. So I lend him my ear, clean his abode, and hire him for odd jobs - such as teachin' folks to swim...Ha. The cad, teaching folks to swim...


#FFxivWrite2022, #FFxivWrite
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