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Anticipation for Endwalker (Long winded Ramble)

As of the time I'm writing this we are currently 3 weeks away from early access. I had some things on my mind and thought why not write them down in a post. I'm trying to archive and journal more, so it'll be fun having this down. Then when EW releases and my mind is inevitably blown, I can revisit this to see if my expectations were met.

First of all I'm really excited because this is my first expansion launch as a new player to FFXIV and MMOs in general. I started a little over 3 months ago and have caught up on the MSQ in that time to 5.55. It was a wild ride and as a whole so far has been immaculate. I don't get as excited or easily wowed as when I was younger with gaming, but FFXIV has been one of those few games that has brought back that "child-like wonder" I used to more easily have.

I'm just hoping that the dev team and writers conclude a lot of the interesting plot threads that have been slowly drip fed to us over time. There are some many things I just want to learn more about. Like what ulterior motives and secrets are "The Forum" and just Sharlayan in general are hiding from us. While they're supposed to be pacifists I can't help but wonder if they are up to something no good. It seems telling with the well prepared underground doomsday bunker that's set up in the Labyrinthos. As if they knew the events leading up to now would occur and are in part directly or non-directly assisting in the second coming of the "Final Days". Then there is of course Hydaelyn and Zodiark being revealed as the oldest of primals, will this final chapter conclude with them both being defeated? And if so what ramifications will that have on the world, or what is left of it depending on what is to come. Then there's Fandaniel who comes off as this omnicidal nihilist wanting to just destroy everything just because, but there has to be more to his madness. Something tells me that he may be in cahoots with Venat/Hydaelyn for reasons we do not yet know. Xenos despite feeling a bit cartoon-ish as a villain I wonder if he's actually a sundered part of an Ascian namely Hythlodaeus (Who called us his "old-new friend" in ShB). Plus we ourselves are hinted to be a sundered version of Azem the 14th member of the convocation. What does that spell for our character then since I'm sure that'll be brought up again. Obviously there are other questions like are we going to have a confrontation with Zodiark on the Moon since it's highly implied he's sealed in there in some way as well as Anima's purpose in this expansion. I'll just leave it at that, but there are so many open threads I hope get a satisfying conclusion. Many of these things could have greater implications beyond Endwalker and the effects may be felt in the next saga of expansions. Even if some of my speculations end up being totally off base.

Another thing that's been on my mind is the fact that the FFXIV writing team isn't afraid to take away characters we love or have grown to love. It's inevitable that at least one of the scions will leave us whether that be by sacrifice, perishing in battle, or maybe just leaving the party for another reason when the adventure is over. Yoshida has even hinted at this in interviews as this expansion will give us an opportunity to say "good bye" to some characters. I'm a bit nervous as to who(m) it may be. I have a bad feeling they're going to do something to the twins whom I've grown attached to over time. But we shall see. Casualties are to be expected with this being a sendoff to this saga of the game. Especially with the second coming of the Final Days probably happening in some capacity as shown by the cinematic trailer even if not as devastating as the one the Amaurotines experienced before the sundering.

It'll be interesting with everything being concluded before a patch cycle hits which is a first for FF since they normally like to wrap things up by X.3. However it'll be in 6.1 we'll be starting our new adventure into this next saga of the game. It makes me curious as to who will be joining us for that new adventure. There's a part of me that believes we'll get a revamped supporting cast with a couple of the old faces mixed in. I could be entirely wrong about this though. Yoshi-P has already stated that we won't get isekai'd into an entirely different world/universe without any of our past friends. Nor will he negate the accomplishments and memories we made up until this point for the WoL. Which I think is a good thing moving forward especially for long time fans who have stuck with this for years. I'm guessing possibilities will lie in the time traveling of the Crystal Tower, The "New World" not yet shown, and maybe Meracydia assuming we don't go there in Endwalker. Plus there are the other Shards as well. The possibilities are all there. I'm just wondering if there will be a compelling enough conflict and new antagonists to spur on a whole Saga. I just can't really imagine what other problems there could exist after resolving the stuff with Hydaelyn/Zodiark and Xenos/Fandaniel.

All in all I'm just super excited and Endwalker can't come soon enough. I just need to know how all these various things I've mentioned are resolved. Obviously I'm pumped for the gameplay changes like level cap increase to 90, further tooled Jobs, Sage & Reaper, and the new dungeons and raids. But just knowing this is a finale to a 10 year old story has me going crazy haha.

Lastly, I'm probably going to try and take a break the week leading up to Launch or maybe two weeks until then. Personally I'm feeling a tad bit of burnout of the game recently. Which is a good sign to step away. Maybe I'll revisit my backlog of games or spend that time doing some other stuff in the mean time while I mentally recharge. Sure there are some things I'd like to have done before Endwalker drops, but if that stuff doesn't get done it's no big deal. I'll always have an opportunity to do it later after finishing the MSQ for 6.0. This is even with the stat squish and all that. Which from what it sounds like at worst will just make unsynced content feel a little different until you hit the cap again.

Well, I can't wait to join you all in 21 days. It can't come soon enough. I bet login queues will be crazy, but that's part of the charm of a new expansion I guess. Since we'll probably start our adventure inside the Rising Stones (An instanced location for us individually) it shouldn't be that bad maybe... haha. All I know is that I'm more than likely going to play it non-stop with all the free time I have. No regrets though because I basically did that for HS and ShB.

I'll pray that we don't have a Raubahn EX situation which I've only seen videos and memes of since I didn't play back then. November 19th can't come soon enough!
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