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The Baldesion Arsenal - Party Leader Macros

Reminder that '/micon' can be removed or changed.
Format these macros according to your party number (e.g. elemental rooms).
Odd numbers will always have letters for Blackhole buffers, evens will always have it on the 2 marker during Ozma.

Lazy intro macro:
/p Welcome everyone.
/p Please remember to come to Kugane, and make sure to join the voice chat on Discord.
/p Is there anyone new to BA here?

Portal macro:
/micon "Return" general
/p We are party 1
/p Portal 1: <1>
/p Portal 2: <2>
/p Portal 3: <3>
/p Portal 4: <4>
/p Portal 5: <5>
/p Portal 6: <6>
/p Portal 7: <7>
/p Portal 8: <8>
/p You can take the red portals even if you have aggro.
/p They will move slightly after turning red.
/p If you have sprites around your portal use your mount instead of sprinting.

Room macro:
/micon "A" waymark
/p Our room is the Ice room.
/p Defensive element is Ice.
/p Offensive element is Fire.

Simplified Ozma macro:
/micon "Rally" emote
/p -----------------------------------------------------
/p We are party 1
/p Our main platform is A
/p Blackhole buffer is A
/p Meteors are placed on 1 and 2
/p -----------------------------------------------------
/p Offensive element: Earth
/p Defensive element: Lightning
/p -----------------------------------------------------

Ozma ASCII macro:
/p We are party 1
/p Our main platform is A
/p Blackhole buffer is A
/p Meteors are placed on 1 and 2
/p -----------------------------------------------------
/p ┏━━  ━━┓ ┏━━
/p ┃ () Group ┃ ┏━┛
/p ┃ ┗━━┛ 
/p ┃  Meteor
/p ┃   ┏━━
/p ┃ Black-Hole ┏━┛
/p ┃ Buffer ┏━━┛
/p ┃ ┃
/p ┃  <- Meteor ┃
/p ┗━━  ━━┛

Ozma ASCII macro for Odd number parties:
/p We are party 2
/p Our main platform is B
/p Blackhole buffer is 2
/p Meteors are placed on 1 and 2
/p -----------------------------------------------------
/p ┏━━  ━━┓ ┏━━
/p ┃ () Group ┃ ┏━┛
/p ┃ ┗━━┛ 
/p ┃  Meteor+Black-Hole Buffer
/p ┃   ┏━━
/p ┃ ┏━┛
/p ┃ ┏━━┛
/p ┃ ┃
/p ┃  <- Meteor ┃
/p ┗━━  ━━┛
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