

Quinn Rebel

die Schnitterin

Louisoix [Chaos]

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palace of the dead completed

much more stressful than HoH, much more dangerous and deadly. I was playing summoner and resurrecting people free. good choice for novice players. also nice burst during bahamut phase.
most popular deaths: double tankbuster, boss autoattack, treasure rooms yolo clear, random luring trap. btw, the best way to clear treasure room is to pull mobs carefully one by one and kill it in corridor with rage. no memes.
most beautiful moments: ecliptic meteor and people dying from aoes (and may be cringe).
it seems like you will not complete this one if you don't have enough potions. I occasionally was tanking behemoth without steel. it's a horrible experience to see yourself fade away and screaming while realising that all your hp potions are on cd.
god bless you. and use food with direct hit, make it easier.
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