

Maria Azamat

Mateus [Crystal]

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Maria Azamat: The Crimson Flare


"The Azamat family line is one of conflict that is in an endless cycle, influencing the events of each generation."

Maria Azamat was born into a family of warriors with the sole duty of protecting people and slaying monsters. Their legacy goes back through decades throughout the Astral Eras. She, along with her brother Aeon Azamat, was next in line to take the role as guardians. Maria was an avid reader growing up, being calmer and introverted compared to her twin brother, taking an interest in classical music. Maria was always seeking knowledge as her curiosity knew no bounds, she would go through many books on the shelves, snooping through old journals, she knew her family had a history as her mother would tell her what duties she would fulfill when she was older. What her family had planned for her, fate had a different story as she would become something no parent would be proud of.

When her eighth birthday came and their home was attacked by monsters lead by Amaro, a man who had a vendetta against her family line, Maria had already ran away out of fear. the distant flames of their burning home all she could see before the monsters hunted her down. For days she was on the run, losing her strength as she couldn't get a wink of sleep. Soon exhaustion took over and for all intent and purposes she should have died. When she awoke she was found in a clinic, run by a scholar who excelled in magics and alchemy. Maria was still scared but the kind scholar would take her, and with how she responded with intrigued at her collection of books the two bonded quick and she made his heart melt. Over time she became his apprentice, and although the nightmares of her home still lingered she would grow into a intellectual in magic.

But just when she was finding a new life in the years to come, it would be taken away. A noble family was needing their help as their father, the mayor of the town they lived, was deathly ill. The scholar was an old friend to the mayor so he of course answered the call. Maria, while traversing through the halls of the family manor, discovered a horrible truth. The son and daughter of the man had orchestrated their father's illness, as his death would mean someone would have to rise to power and the Garlean Empire had been wanting their forces to come in. With the mayor out of the way, their son, the mayor's grandson, would be a figure head. Maria had rushed out of the scene, unbeknownst to her that she alerted the two, and ran to her scholar. She explained everything and was told to pack their belongings for the night in case something went wrong, while he dealt with the matter.

Maria had finished packing but guards had begun to break in, demanding her to come out. Maria escaped but when she came out she noticed people gathering at the center of town and her fears were realized. The scholar, her mentor, was beaten and bloodied, standing tied up at a stage as the people demanded death. The mayor had died and the twisted family, people with power, blamed it on him. Maria screamed, trying to stop the execution but she was apprehended and had to watch the scholar's head be chopped off. Just like that, two instances where he life was taken from her and she was powerless to do any thing about it. The night she was locked up, having to wait till the Garlean Empire would come marching in, something woke inside of her. Using what she stowed on her, she begun to work on forbidden magic in secret, decorating her body with markings to absorb Aether into her. She played the act of a broken girl, when deep down a raging fire was waiting burst. When the time came, with all the Aether her body could handle that threatened to destroy her, she broke out with powerful magic. She became a single army and no man, woman or child would be spared of her wrath. They all took part in the injustice, placing faith in lies, and so she was their grim reaper and made sure their corruption would spread across Erozea.

When dawn came, the Garlean Empire was met with a kingdom of ash. Maria waited for them. She had nowhere else to go and knew she would be painted a target. If she were to die she would die fighting. Little did she know that The Black Wolf would be her opponent. Quickly was she bested, but not without displaying her gift in magic, only able to land a few blows with tricks and combinations of elements. Just when she was ready to die they found potential in her and decided to take her in. At first Maria refused, but as she learned of the history of Garlemald, and how deceitful the kingdoms are, she would be convinced to join their cause.

And so, Maria would work up the ranks, becoming a Senior Officer, and trained by The Black Wolf himself on occasion. Maria would fight battle after battle, her tactical intellect had help many battles, and when she was on the field her fiery magic and skilled with a blade would leave a path in blood. This gave her the infamous title, Crimson Flare, bloody trail left by a blazing star. She would follow her ideals on changing Erozea to be the ideal world they envisioned, though she wasn't blind to the ways the Garleans were behaving. Only few had her respect as they still maintained on why they begun their crusade. She would gain knowledge and experience, for when she would have to leave the empire she would be ready.... Or so she thought.

It wasn't until a fated reunion with her long lost brother that her world changed.


Age: 24
Blood Type: A-
Height: 5"8
Weight: 150 lbs
Birthday: 08 Fourth Umbral Moon (Rhalgr), 18th Sun- 8/18

Likes: Classical/Orchestal music, Reading, Poetry, Magic, Ramen, Coffee, Tea, Falcons.

Dislikes: Loud noises, spicy tastes, her brother, Amaro, people who are weak, wastes of time.

With the markings she had engraved onto her body, she can manipulate and store Aether to release for devastating magic. She had expanded this from black magic, to white, to summoning, along with practicing work on the blade. Her preferred class being a Red Mage, as she likes to have a balance of strength and magic, but if the situation demands for it she will adapt to others.

Maria started off as being introverted, keeping to herself and only opening onto subjects that she enjoyed like classical music or books. She learned to play the violin and had grown a love for reading, specifically poetry. To this day her cherished possession is a William Blake Anthology that held all the poems and prose he had made.

Presently however, though some aspects of her past remain, she is now cold and more distant than before. Not having much love for humanity as she was exposed to trauma and hardship that the world forced her to endure. She believed that the world can be better if under one rule instead of divided, and she will become that ruler whether it be through politics or being a tyrant. Her search for knowledge and power had made her become calculating and deceptive as she had gained much experience to know why humans are fragile and weak in her eyes, and that is their heart. She can act however she wants when needed but she cares not for anyone anymore and works to not make any attachments as that only will leave her vulnerable and weak in her eyes.
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