


Tragg Mad

Diabolos [Crystal]

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Tragg Mad Journal part 8

It's been awhile since I have posted. I've been on break for awhile. I did finish heavensward main story but I still have to get through the post msq. Since the stormblood duty support update is not to far away, I may just wait till it releases. I have been busy with school and try to stay focus on some IT certifications.

I also played other games such as FF7 crisis core remake and beat it. I also played Hogwarts legacy and beat it as well. I'm also looking forward to the Jedi survivor game. I don't know if i will attempt to play till after i'm done with getting the certifications though.

Other than that, i shut down my money making operation with the retainers til i get back in the game fully. I may try to push through some of the post msq though before i forget whats going on. Well that is all for now. Will update in the future when i get some questing done.
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