

Ekstase 6000

Vicky Montoya

Raiden [Light]

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Help QwQ I'm a nervous wreck!

I had the most amazing time last night in Limsa, I've been spending most hours of the days lately to check out the local talent, and let me tell you. They do NOT disappoint!
They're all so incredibly talented, granted some more than others, but they all sound so amazing, and they've all been so incredibly kind to me ^_^
Ofcourse, spending so many hours listening to them perform and interacting with them, has made me neglect my duties a little bit :(
And now, here we are, day before opening night and I'm a nervous wreck QwQ
I am so excited to meet everyone, we're supposed to attend a wedding after party tonight!
Hopefully I can pick up some of that great energy and feel more confident about the work I put in so far.
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