


Ultra Primarch

Midgardsormr [Aether]

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Seventh Umbral Era

The cycle of Astral/Umbral eras continues. We defeated the Ascian threat for now, but as always the good times won't last.

The solo missions were anticlimactic. I miss the chaos of large raids. I never minded the wait times or the idiots making life difficult for some. However, I like getting Triple-Triad cards, so I guess theres a tradeoff we can all appreciate. I lost the first fight with Lahabrea (Thancred). I had to go easy mode to beat him. I wonder how that fight goes as a DPS or Healer. I was also drunk... I was enjoying some ice cold Carlsberg. I guess 7.2% alcohol pilsner might have had something to do with my repeated failures. Ultimately, I had a blast in this opening chapter of the game. A lot has changed, but I can see that it was necessary and for the best.

On another note, FC's are kinda dead. I have been member of three different FC's and this last one seems to be the first one that actually socializes. I was in a FC that only spoke once every 2-3 days. I wonder where the social interactions are... Maybe somebody can help me out and explain. Is it all on discord now?

It's time to reconsider my role as tank. I chose this role for the fact that it was a fast lane for getting into dungeons. Square Enix has made that logic obsolete--at least so far. I didn't even know you could solo this first chapter of the story and now I wonder when, or if, being a tank will pay off. I am going to experiment with other roles. Healer is one that I haven't ever taken seriously.

Poor Thancred.... Well, as always, there is repentance. We can all have bad chapters in our lives. That doesn't mean we are unredeemable.

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