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HW : thoughts so far

I'm really liking the game. Ishgard was really cool to stumble on with the epic music and the huge castle. The statues and the inside of that big church when I met to archbishop. I'm still at the beginning, but I'm enjoying it.

Today I learned how to roll by tank cooldowns and spread them between encounters. It's made my healers life a lot easier and mine too. I saw a concert today of bards in Limsa... and I decided to level an alt archer to lv 30 to use instruments asap. Mainly to have some musical fun when I'm not leveling MSQ through my paladin.

Tomorrow I will get a bit further in the HW MSQ and then I'll put time into my bard. With the EXP ring and earrings it should go pretty fast. My guild gave me good tips that Ill be using like doing hunting log, fates, and spam dungeons to 30.
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