


Turwaithion Aewen

Adamantoise [Aether]

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A realm completed

I completed the base Realm Reborn story today. I’m happy to share with you all, who have all experienced it already, that it left me yearning for more. I heard Heavensward was where things pick up the most, but I did not expect the ending of the final RR patch to be so solid. I am still going to be vague for those who may not have beaten it yet...

There were definitely twists I knew would happen, they were too obvious; however, it still surprised me the extent of they went into the twists. Before the end, the game played it pretty safe, so when the reveal of who’s vs whom occurred, I figured they’d do it as safe as possible.

To those who’s beaten it before, I’m sure you know which parts had me saying “wait what?” “expected that”, “gosh dang,” “omg yes, THANK YOU” and “they’re my new fav character.”

(Side note: I play with Japanese audio. Prior to his voiced line, I hoped that Yuyuhase had the voice he ended up having in it. I hope it’s similar in English.)
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