Finde eine Freie Gesellschaft, einen Kontaktkreis oder eine Gruppe,
die zu dir und deinem Spielstil passt!

So funktioniert's!

  • Schritt 1

    Eine Gruppe finden

  • Schritt 2

    Auf ein Rekrutierungsgesuch reagieren

  • Schritt 3

    Ausprobieren und beitreten

  • Was ist eine Freie Gesellschaft?

    Eine Gruppe auf deiner Stammwelt, der du dich anschließen kannst.

    Oft als „FG“ abgekürzt. Die Freie Gesellschaft ist eine geschlossene Gruppe mit eigenem Chat und Anspruch auf ein gemeinsames Haus. Darüber hinaus bieten spezielle Kommandos temporäre Bonus-Routine und andere Vorteile.

    Der Charakter einer Freien Gesellschaft wird durch ihre Mitglieder definiert. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass du eine FG findest, die gut zu dir passt.

  • Was ist ein (Welten-)Kontaktkreis?

    Ein zweckbestimmter Chat, der nur Mitgliedern offen steht.

    Oft als „KK“ und „WKK“ abgekürzt. Der Kontaktkreis ist ein dedizierter, privater Chat, dem man nur mit Einladung beitreten kann. Im Gegensatz zur Freien Gesellschaft kannst du allerdings mehreren Kontaktkreisen angehören. So eignet sich ein Kontaktkreis perfekt für ein bestimmtes Thema, wie die Hohe Jagd, das Angeln und andere Beschäftigungen.

    Kontaktkreis: Eine Chatgruppe mit Mitgliedern deiner Stammwelt. Spieler anderer Welten können nicht beitreten.
    Weltenkontaktkreis: Eine weltenübergreifende Chatgruppe, der Spieler desselben Datenzentrums beitreten können.
  • Was ist ein PvP-Team?

    Ein auf PvP spezialisiertes Team.

    Gute Zusammenarbeit ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Suche dir also ein Team, mit dem es dir Spaß macht und leicht fällt, gemeinsam an euren Fähigkeiten zu feilen.

    PvP: Auf Spieler-gegen-Spieler ausgerichtete Inhalte.
Freie Gesellschaft

Soul Haven Rekrutierung für neue Mitglieder


Soul Haven

Rekrutierung für neue Mitglieder

Behemoth [Primal]

Community-Karte herunterladen


0:00 23:00
0:00 23:00
Aktive Mitglieder










#Disabled/LGBTQ+ Friendly
#Neulinge willkommen
#Aktive Gruppe
#Berufstätige willkommen
<HAVEN> Soul Haven is recruiting! We're a small, casual, cozy FC who love to hang out, chat and help each other with content. LGBTQ+ & Disabled-friendly. (That is, -friendly, not -focused, so rest assured you don't need to be either of those things to be welcome here! ♥)

We're somewhat low-key, just keeping eachother company and running content impromptu for the most part. There's no pressure to socialize or participate any more than you'd like to, so settle in at your own pace. :)
All experience levels and playstyles are welcome, so long as you aren't pushing your style on others. We do our best to avoid any level of spoilers being shared in the general chats so that it's as safe as possible for newcomers.

If you have any special needs or limitations, be they physical or social etc, we'll do our best to accomodate for it and see that you aren't lacking opportunities to play together. As the FC is led by someone with such limitations personally, you can rest assured we'll take this commitment seriously and are always open to hear feedback on how we're doing.

We have a cozy little in-game house and a (optional) Discord channel. Free resources/items and we'll pay for your private room at the house if you'd like one!

If you'd like to apply or have any further questions, you can comment here, visit our discord (https://discord.gg/D8ukSDh2Mr) and say hi in the #general channel, contact me or one of our friendly members in-game, or apply via the signpost at our house. Thanks for looking! <3









Empyreum 6. Bezirk, 58 [Klein]


Abyssal Archives


Tausche dich mit den Mitgliedern dieser Community aus!



Hisa Shiburi Behemoth [Primal]

(If you wish to contact me in-game, my most frequently played character is now Kiht'tan Amariyo)

I never know how to talk about myself, so I'll just skip straight to the practical stuff instead:

I suffer from severe sociophobia / social anxiety, as well as some physical limitations that can often impede my gameplay, so after the role of leader fell to me unexpectedly, it's become my mission to cultivate an FC that is understanding and comfortable to anyone with similar issues.

I'd normally never have the courage to join a "guild" in any game as a regular member, nevermind lead one, but somehow I'm glad I've ended up in this spot and am doin' my best, jointly with other high-ranked members who support me in aspects I struggle with.

So, if you're feeling shy or anxious about trying an FC, just know that I was in the exact same boat! Whether you choose to join mine or someone else's, I'm sure there's somewhere out there for you! ♥


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Community-Mitglied Mikh'a Amariyo Behemoth [Primal]

Hey!! I'm an officer for SH, so I'll leave a short thing about me in here as well! :3

Also going practical: autistic, many letters of the LGBTQ+, english is not my first language and I also have a degree of social anxiety, but it is way lesser online.

I joined this FC long ago and stayed put with Hisa to help build this haven to accomodate more people like us, for I had never felt so welcome or helped in another community so far. It's an honor for me to be a part of it and help pass this on!

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Alien Lovechild Behemoth [Primal]

Would be interested in finding out more about your FC e.g. do you use Discord and voice chat, what time zone etc.


Community-Mitglied Hisa Shiburi Behemoth [Primal]

Hi! Yes, we have Discord linked in the page above, which is open to non-members if you'd like to hop in & take a look. We have voice chat available; some members are comfortable using voice & some aren't. As for time zones, we've people from all different countries & I've been absent from game a couple weeks, so I'm unsure whether a certain time is busiest with our current members, but feel free to hop by to observe that too if need be. Ty for the interest, lemme know if there's anything else :)

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Yara Benji Leviathan [Primal]

Hi, I'm interested :). I think I fit right in. Is there someone online?

(Bearbeitet)  -

Community-Mitglied Hisa Shiburi Behemoth [Primal]

Hi! We'd love to have you. :) Just hopped in-game invite you but I couldn't find you in character search, not sure if you were offline or just in-duty.
I will keep checking back at random times when I'm on, but if you'd like to get in much quicker, joining our Discord (linked above) would be easiest so that someone can log in when you're definitely available.

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Community-Mitglied Hisa Shiburi Behemoth [Primal]

Oh! Sorry, I'm dumb, only just noticed that your home server is not the same as ours. You won't be able to join an FC unless the server matches, but if you'd like to be part of our Discord community regardless you're welcome to be. Or if you're planning to transfer to Behemoth, let us know.

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Yara Benji Leviathan [Primal]

Sorry, my bad =(. I'll look for one in my world. Thank you for replying, though.

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Community-Mitglied Hisa Shiburi Behemoth [Primal]

No worries, it happens! Hope you find the perfect one. <3

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Jacob Universe Behemoth [Primal]

hi can I join? Looking for a Gay FC. :) I could use the help in "progging" ultimates


Community-Mitglied Hisa Shiburi Behemoth [Primal]

Yes you can! Sorry for the late reply. We'll keep an eye out in-game to invite you, but if you'd like to get in quicker, you can visit our discord and ask for an inv from whoever is available at the time. :)

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0 / 500

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