Finde eine Freie Gesellschaft, einen Kontaktkreis oder eine Gruppe,
die zu dir und deinem Spielstil passt!

So funktioniert's!

  • Schritt 1

    Eine Gruppe finden

  • Schritt 2

    Auf ein Rekrutierungsgesuch reagieren

  • Schritt 3

    Ausprobieren und beitreten

  • Was ist eine Freie Gesellschaft?

    Eine Gruppe auf deiner Stammwelt, der du dich anschließen kannst.

    Oft als „FG“ abgekürzt. Die Freie Gesellschaft ist eine geschlossene Gruppe mit eigenem Chat und Anspruch auf ein gemeinsames Haus. Darüber hinaus bieten spezielle Kommandos temporäre Bonus-Routine und andere Vorteile.

    Der Charakter einer Freien Gesellschaft wird durch ihre Mitglieder definiert. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass du eine FG findest, die gut zu dir passt.

  • Was ist ein (Welten-)Kontaktkreis?

    Ein zweckbestimmter Chat, der nur Mitgliedern offen steht.

    Oft als „KK“ und „WKK“ abgekürzt. Der Kontaktkreis ist ein dedizierter, privater Chat, dem man nur mit Einladung beitreten kann. Im Gegensatz zur Freien Gesellschaft kannst du allerdings mehreren Kontaktkreisen angehören. So eignet sich ein Kontaktkreis perfekt für ein bestimmtes Thema, wie die Hohe Jagd, das Angeln und andere Beschäftigungen.

    Kontaktkreis: Eine Chatgruppe mit Mitgliedern deiner Stammwelt. Spieler anderer Welten können nicht beitreten.
    Weltenkontaktkreis: Eine weltenübergreifende Chatgruppe, der Spieler desselben Datenzentrums beitreten können.
  • Was ist ein PvP-Team?

    Ein auf PvP spezialisiertes Team.

    Gute Zusammenarbeit ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Suche dir also ein Team, mit dem es dir Spaß macht und leicht fällt, gemeinsam an euren Fähigkeiten zu feilen.

    PvP: Auf Spieler-gegen-Spieler ausgerichtete Inhalte.
Freie Gesellschaft

Magitek Rekrutierung für neue Mitglieder



Rekrutierung für neue Mitglieder

Malboro [Crystal]

Community-Karte herunterladen


10:00 23:00
10:00 24:00
Aktive Mitglieder










#Aktive Gruppe
#Hochstufige Inhalte
We are looking for like-minded people who are ready to join the ranks. Experience isn't necessary, but the willingness to learn and the drive to excel are appreciated. These dungeons aren't going to raid themselves.

We're the oldest active FC on Malboro and are mostly into our 30s if that gives you an idea of what to expect. We're a friendly bunch but will not tolerate trolls, racists, sexists, homophobes etc. We're an inclusive group and aim to stay that way :)

If you're interested in raiding with us, or just looking for a good place to call home let us know!












Dorf des Nebels 1. Bezirk, 5 [Groß]




Tausche dich mit den Mitgliedern dieser Community aus!



Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Per X kontaktieren



Community-Mitglied Wynter Waters Malboro [Crystal]

Looking to join. Me and one friend


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]


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0 / 500


Azada Scriv Jenova [Aether]

Heyo. Interested in joining. I'm 30 years old, and I've been looking for an fc that has an older crowd.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hi, we'd love to have you if you're still interested.

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Carnita Asada Malboro [Crystal]

Hi there!, I'm interested in joining.


Shmurple Ratcliff Malboro [Crystal]

Hi there! Also in my 30's pretty casual but looking for some nice people to chat and play with when I have the time. Thanks!


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]


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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied T'imbo Tia Malboro [Crystal]

I've been looking for a FC that might be able to help me start getting into the high end content, but I also just had my first child this last week. This FC looks like a great one to start at! I also have a brother who may be interested in joining as well.

(Bearbeitet)  -

Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Congratulations and welcome!

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0 / 500


Andsome Flapjacks Malboro [Crystal]

My brother and I are looking for a good FC to join and this looks like a great one


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hi Andsome. You're both welcome if you're still interested!

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Gio Exzist Malboro [Crystal]

Hey there! Just rejoined the game looking for an active FC with likeminded people! I'd be happy to join if you'd have me!


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hi Gio! I'll look for you in game.

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Feel free to join our Discord in the meantime. https://discord.gg/uYhSr3B

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Gio Exzist Malboro [Crystal]

Sorry for the late response! I joined the discord though, thanks!

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Phantom-liger Vega Malboro [Crystal]

Hi, am I able to join your FC? I want to have a house, and possibly people to enjoy the game with


Community-Mitglied Phantom-liger Vega Malboro [Crystal]

I have the money and whatnot, I didn't mean to sound greed

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0 / 500

Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Verfasser gelöscht.

Community-Mitglied Elisea Valasa Malboro [Crystal]

Hi I'm currently looking for a more active FC to do high end raids with. I have been playing since the game came out. I'm also a crafting mentor with all crafting and gathering jobs at lvl 80 and would be happy to assist in any way I can. In real life I'm a grad. student currently working towards my Masters in Software Engineering so my game activity depends on the amount of work assigned that semester.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hi Elisea, we'd love to have you!

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Nick Conflict Malboro [Crystal]

Hi! I'd like to join your FC


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hey Nick, sorry I missed your tell in game. HMU again when you're able.

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Vahn Hohenheim Malboro [Crystal]

Hi there! I'm interested in joining your FC. I've been playing on and off since the original version. Also in my 30s, so looking for a like-minded, relaxed group of gamers.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hey Vahn we'd love to have you. Join our Discord and we'll toss you an invite.

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0 / 500


Shiro Kazu Omega [Chaos]

Hey guys I am 33 looking for an active and fun company for raiding or just hanging out, have a lot mmorpg experience, finally made the move to ff14


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hey Nfinity! Welcome. Join our Discord when you get a chance. I'll send along an invite in game when I'm able.

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0 / 500


Shiro Kazu Omega [Chaos]

Hey I have updated my nick, pls send to the new :D

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0 / 500


Koreval Azi Siren [Aether]

Hey, I'm looking for a FC that is both social, chill and has what I am going to be looking for at end game as I desire to raid savage content. I am new to FFXIV and currently working through MSQ in Shadowbringers and as I near end game I have decided now is the time to finally find an FC to call home and begin forming those types of relationships. I am very interested in what you all have to offer and would love to speak. (Ingame or i joined discord as well, same nick as my name)

(Bearbeitet)  -

The Viper Malboro [Crystal]

hey, i was wondering if you have any space for new members atm?


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hello, yes we do. I'll look for you in game. In the mean time do join our Discord. https://discord.gg/uYhSr3B

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Myzerie Synastria Malboro [Crystal]

Hiiii! New player looking for help/tips & also to not be bored doing endless quests! -_- Interested in end game content & the like. Thanks!


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hi there! We'd love to have you!

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0 / 500


-- -- ----

hi there looking for a casual fc that's understandable i have kids a need to afk for periods of time but also active for dungeons etc


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hi Bunnyhop, we're a very parent friendly FC and would love to have you. https://discord.gg/uYhSr3B

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0 / 500

Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Verfasser gelöscht.

Community-Mitglied Hayashida Miura Malboro [Crystal]

Heyo, new player currently leveling a DRK through Stormblood. I'm in my late 20's and looking for a relaxed FC to show me the ropes in end game content.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hi Hayashida. We'd love to have you.

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Brickzi Eatable Malboro [Crystal]

hello, looking to join a FC that is more active during my hours of weekdays 8ish-5ish EST on and off. Late 20's, parent, and looking for a chill FC so i can feel like im actually playing the game with People and not Pubs.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]


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0 / 500

Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Verfasser gelöscht.

Community-Mitglied Novax Koda Malboro [Crystal]

A friend and I just signed up. We are looking for a home, and this seems like a great fit if you would have us!


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hi Novax! I'll get an invite out to you ASAP. Hit up our Discord. https://discord.gg/uYhSr3B

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Dolittle Barnok Malboro [Crystal]

Hello! I'm a brand new player and I'm looking for an FC. This seems like a great place.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hello Dolittle! We'd love to have you. I will keep an eye out for you in game. In the meantime join our Discord! https://discord.gg/uYhSr3B

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0 / 500


Reinhard Lohengramm Marilith [Dynamis]

Hello there, I've played off and on for a year or two now and decided to make this my main game and decided it was time to find a home, you guys look like a good fit and I'd love to find out.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hey Riv!
Join our Discord. See you soon. https://discord.gg/uYhSr3B

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0 / 500


Argai Kelke Halicarnassus [Dynamis]

Just got back into the game and leveling out on this server. Looking to apply and join.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Welcome Argai!

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0 / 500


Kuros Sage Balmung [Crystal]

Hi I'm looking to join!


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hi Kuros! I looked for ya online. Join our Discord and ping me when you're around. https://discord.gg/uYhSr3B

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Xerca Zalenn Malboro [Crystal]

Hi, I'm looking to join! I joined the discord a few moments ago


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Heya Zerca, ping me when you're online again.

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0 / 500


Nymeria Amana Leviathan [Primal]

Hey!! Been looking for an FC with members around my age. I’m 27 and I am active pretty much Monday-Thursday 1700-0600ish. I can play any role(I like healer the most, and I am not the best tank). I want to get into high end raiding. I work weekend overnights at a level 1 trauma center so this game takes up my personal time outside of that.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hi Nymeria, we'd love to have you! HMU on Discord and I'll invite you in game. https://discord.gg/uYhSr3B

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Jayne Martin Malboro [Crystal]

Looking to join a FC to run content and refine my abilities.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Heya Jayne. Join our Discord and ping me when you're around. https://discord.gg/uYhSr3B

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0 / 500


Korlahna Stormreaver Malboro [Crystal]

Looking to join to have ppl to run stuff with. Would be both me and the wife.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Korlahna, we'd love to have you. I will keep an eye out for you in game. In the meantime join our Discord! https://discord.gg/uYhSr3B

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Adrelian Haukea Malboro [Crystal]

Would like to join! What do I have to do?


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]


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0 / 500


Agithon Stormseeker Malboro [Crystal]

Would love to join!


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hello Agithon. I'll look for you in game. if I miss you ping me in Discord. https://discord.gg/uYhSr3B

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Carnita Asada Malboro [Crystal]

Hi, I would like to join! :)


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]


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0 / 500


Wag Ofbeed Malboro [Crystal]

Looking for a FC I'm a returning player looking a good FC with plenty of active members. I have 3 level 80 characters. (Tank/Healer/DPS). If still recruiting would love to try out. Wag_OfBeed is my in game name. Thanks


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

We'd love to have you if you're still interested.

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0 / 500


Obs Drakkar Malboro [Crystal]

My Boyfreind and I are new to FF XIV and looking for a FC. I am a lvl 51 Summoner and he is a Paladin close to 60. We both have many years MMORPG experience. I see that you mentioned the age range of 30s. Do you have older memebers? We are in our 50s.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

He Obs, we might have a couple folks in that age range actually. We'd love to have you both.

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0 / 500

Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Verfasser gelöscht.

Community-Mitglied Relm M'kana Malboro [Crystal]

I'm also interested in joining! I just lost my sprout status and as such have been forced out of the Novice Network, but now find the lack of community chatter to be eerie. Hoping to join a FC to get that feeling of community back, and this looks like a great one!


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hi Relm! Welcome to FFXIV. We'd love to have you, https://discord.gg/cDYjTBxp. Ping me on Discord when you're online.

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Blacked Magic Malboro [Crystal]

Hey guys! Been trying to look for an FC and trying to learn end game stuff as well (eden/savage/ultimates). I used to play back on 2.0 release then just came back recently (2 months~).


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hey! Drop us a line in Discord and join us, https://discord.gg/cDYjTBxp

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0 / 500


Natsu Endo Jenova [Aether]

Heya! returning player in my 30's would love to join you guys and get into an active FC.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hello Natsu. HMU when you're online and we'll get an invite out to you. https://discord.gg/cDYjTBxp

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Ashe Molle Malboro [Crystal]

Hi there, I'm in my 30's and only just started playing for the first time a few weeks ago. I'd love a community to learn from and engage in later content with. Also I tried the discord invite but it's expired.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hi Ashe, my bad on the invite. Give this a shot.

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0 / 500


Valyra Strife Cactuar [Aether]

Hi, new to the game here... Looking for a group of people to do the high end content and maybe get my sparkling weapon!


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hi Valyra. We love sparkling weapons. Come on down https://discord.gg/C7DNk8c2pZ

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Sailor Muwun Malboro [Crystal]

Hullo! I'd like to join, if you'll have me.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hi Sailor! We'd love to have you!

Hit us up in Discord and we'll get an invite out to ya https://discord.gg/C7DNk8c2pZ

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0 / 500


Shek Ki Malboro [Crystal]

Looking to join with a friend


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hi Shek! We'd love to have you and your friend. HMU in Discord when you get a chance https://discord.gg/C7DNk8c2pZ

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0 / 500

(Bearbeitet)  -

Community-Mitglied Carnus Ninecliff Malboro [Crystal]

Hey mid 20's player here looking for a stable FC to work with in the evenings after work. Sounds like this FC would be a good fit if you'll have me.

(Bearbeitet)  -

Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hey Rondo! https://discord.gg/kpTxUmPK

I'll look for you online but feel free to join our Discord in the interim

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0 / 500


Beldroth Snow Malboro [Crystal]

I'm definitely interested in joining your FC. I'm a longtime player that is back from a break.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Welcome back Beldroth! https://discord.gg/C7DNk8c2pZ

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0 / 500


Gath Kaine Malboro [Crystal]

Hello looking to join as well, I'm a returning player and having a hard time picking up where I left off. A good place to call home seems like the best way to start


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hi Gath, we'd love to have you with us. Hit us up in Discord or you could apply in game. https://discord.gg/C7DNk8c2pZ

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0 / 500


Neva Promise Typhon [Elemental]

Hey! looking to join to do high/end game content if possible and just find a group to chill with!!!


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hi Neva! We'd love to have you. https://discord.gg/C7DNk8c2pZ

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0 / 500


Euronymous Kingslayer Malboro [Crystal]

Hello. Looking to join if you have opening


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hello! Drop us a line in game or join our Discord and we'll get an invite out to ya https://discord.gg/upbHQB4S9K

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Estrid Wright Malboro [Crystal]

Hello! I'm looking to join, how do I go about doing that?


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hello! Drop us a line in game or join our Discord and we'll get an invite out to ya https://discord.gg/upbHQB4S9K

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0 / 500


Kevin Leonheart Brynhildr [Crystal]

Looking to join, looking for a good chill group


Erin Nyx Malboro [Crystal]

I'm looking to join, and I was wondering if you still have openings.


Anduriel Luccio Malboro [Crystal]

I am interested in joining. Laidback casual player, just looking for have fun with people in the game.


Mahohime Fenix Malboro [Crystal]

Interested in joining. Hopefully for ex runs and maps/hunts if possible.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hello! Hop on into our discord and we'll get you an invite. https://discord.gg/uYhSr3B

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0 / 500


Ancelot Greywolfe Malboro [Crystal]

I'd like to join


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Heya. Join our discord server and we'll invite you in game. https://discord.gg/uYhSr3B

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0 / 500


Aubret Reinard Faerie [Aether]

I'm looking for a new home and I think I was actually in this FC back in Heavensward before my friends/family FC came along. I wouldn't mind giving it another go if you'll have me.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]


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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Ion Cress Malboro [Crystal]

Hello! Looking to join and hopefully do high end content.


Community-Mitglied Valerian Narvarr Malboro [Crystal]

Been looking a good FC to join came across your page hoping to join!


Riki Maaru Malboro [Crystal]

I'm a rather inexperienced returning player looking for a community to hopefully be engaged with and really be able to participate with during DT. I'm spending the next couple months until release really digging in and completing any unfinished side quests and leveling out my jobs but would love the chance to learn more about the game and get to know the community within while I do so. I'm interested in everything this game has to offer. Also, I plan to main healer :D


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hello Riki, we'd love to have you. https://discord.gg/uYhSr3B

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0 / 500


Eish Aanu Malboro [Crystal]

30+ returning player looking to touch most of the content in the game


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hello Eish. Hit us up on Discord and we'll get you invited in game https://discord.gg/uYhSr3B

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Leinhart Greywolf Malboro [Crystal]

Hello. Looking for a friendly FC, I haven't played FFXIV in a few years and I'm looking to get back into it.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]


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0 / 500


Wides Macdougal Malboro [Crystal]

Hello, with my IRL friend not returning to the game this expansion I'm looking for an FC. Would love to join.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hello! We'd love to have you. https://discord.gg/J4R5BBpN

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0 / 500


Roaring Thunder Kraken [Dynamis]

I am interested in joining your FC. Wanting to learn and grow in content, meet new people, and have fun coming up in the new expansion. Would love to learn raiding and higher end content. I am always down to help others and just looking to have a great time.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hello Escannor! Hop on Discord and I'll get you an invite https://discord.gg/3ZRee3TA

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0 / 500


Skyfall Solofire Malboro [Crystal]

Hello! Just coming back after a very long break and it looks like im in the market for a new FC. Trying to catch up for the new patch/expn. i would like to check you guys out.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

We'd love to have you! https://discord.gg/kmVUJJkT

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0 / 500


Slints Xs Malboro [Crystal]

Would like to join. Coming back for latest expansion!


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Ping me online in-game or drop a line in Discord and we'll pick you up ASAP https://discord.gg/kmVUJJkT

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Armon Hammer Malboro [Crystal]

Hello! Casual FF loving player returning to the grind and looking for an FC full of fellow chillers. Would love to join!


Luca Lecarde Malboro [Crystal]

Hello :) Looking for an active, chill FC, returning yearssss later dont remember anything :D. Casual, usually evenings.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hello Luca, we'd love to have you. https://discord.gg/saZFRkk8

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0 / 500


Freya Genesis Brynhildr [Crystal]

Hello! Returning player doing a fresh playthrough. I played hardcore through Shadowbringers, and now that my little girl is in school I have more time to play again. I'm looking for a good bunch of casual folks to experience the game with again.


Community-Mitglied Black Thought Malboro [Crystal]

Hello Freya, hop in our Discord and drop me a line when you're able https://discord.gg/cGFA6qGP

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0 / 500

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