Finde eine Freie Gesellschaft, einen Kontaktkreis oder eine Gruppe,
die zu dir und deinem Spielstil passt!

So funktioniert's!

  • Schritt 1

    Eine Gruppe finden

  • Schritt 2

    Auf ein Rekrutierungsgesuch reagieren

  • Schritt 3

    Ausprobieren und beitreten

  • Was ist eine Freie Gesellschaft?

    Eine Gruppe auf deiner Stammwelt, der du dich anschließen kannst.

    Oft als „FG“ abgekürzt. Die Freie Gesellschaft ist eine geschlossene Gruppe mit eigenem Chat und Anspruch auf ein gemeinsames Haus. Darüber hinaus bieten spezielle Kommandos temporäre Bonus-Routine und andere Vorteile.

    Der Charakter einer Freien Gesellschaft wird durch ihre Mitglieder definiert. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass du eine FG findest, die gut zu dir passt.

  • Was ist ein (Welten-)Kontaktkreis?

    Ein zweckbestimmter Chat, der nur Mitgliedern offen steht.

    Oft als „KK“ und „WKK“ abgekürzt. Der Kontaktkreis ist ein dedizierter, privater Chat, dem man nur mit Einladung beitreten kann. Im Gegensatz zur Freien Gesellschaft kannst du allerdings mehreren Kontaktkreisen angehören. So eignet sich ein Kontaktkreis perfekt für ein bestimmtes Thema, wie die Hohe Jagd, das Angeln und andere Beschäftigungen.

    Kontaktkreis: Eine Chatgruppe mit Mitgliedern deiner Stammwelt. Spieler anderer Welten können nicht beitreten.
    Weltenkontaktkreis: Eine weltenübergreifende Chatgruppe, der Spieler desselben Datenzentrums beitreten können.
  • Was ist ein PvP-Team?

    Ein auf PvP spezialisiertes Team.

    Gute Zusammenarbeit ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Suche dir also ein Team, mit dem es dir Spaß macht und leicht fällt, gemeinsam an euren Fähigkeiten zu feilen.

    PvP: Auf Spieler-gegen-Spieler ausgerichtete Inhalte.
Freie Gesellschaft

Arcadia Rekrutierung für neue Mitglieder



Rekrutierung für neue Mitglieder

Alpha [Light]

Community-Karte herunterladen


9:00 3:00
9:00 3:00
Aktive Mitglieder










#LGBTQIA+ friendly
#Aktive Gruppe
Hey Adventurer!

We’re Arcadia, or better known as ARC, and we want to give you somewhere comfy, social and fun while you adventure in Eorzea.

Who are we?
• A social focused FC with people from all backgrounds, we have lorenerds, high end raiders, pvpers, gpose addicts and everyone else in between.
• We want to provide somewhere you can pop in to be part of a community, without making you feel like you’re forced to take part.
• We’re not looking to be a large FC, we pride ourselves on being smaller and cosy.
• LGBTQIA+ friendly and mental health awareness are our core values, providing safe and open community for everyone involved.
What’s in it for you?
• A large FC house in the Mist with all the amenities, Chocobo stable and giveaway minion/music scroll tab in the FC chest. FC house changing seasonally!
• Weekly events, from maps, mount farms, to special events, like treasure hunts. We’re open to more events as well if there is a wish for it, Blue Mage, Savage etc.
• 24/7 buffs on a rotation.

The long version;

Looks like you're in search for a home? Just give us a read and I promise it's not gonna be a lengthy sales pitch of why you should join us, but rather see if it's something you're looking for.

We're a group of friends who moved to Alpha together after spending long time in a bigger FC. We all wanted a place without stress, that's not based on quantity of people but rather quality of those people. We're very social and lively bunch of also take lot of time to just sit and chill in peace. Our favorite pastime tends to be sitting at the FC house together when we're not busy with something. Feel free to come say hi - our FC house is on Alpha - Mist - W29 P35.

We love doing content together but our main focus is to be able to do it all, play the game solo whilst having a community, but also able to ask for help or have people come along when it's needed. We got lorenerds, highend raiders, pvp maniacs and gpose addicts that form a healthy balance in the FC. We don't have a static or similar going, though it's not something we can't have in the future if enough people are interested, just not our main goal.

Our aim to is have people who want to get to know us but without feeling pressured to be constantly social. Just contact us in-game, tell us a little bit about yourself or join us discord to check us out! We are not looking to be a large FC, just active enough to have events and things to do with each other.

If you just wanna come by and see if it's a fit, that's absolutely fine. FC should feel like a home with people you can trust and wanna be part of, not a commitment.

LGBTQIA+ friendly and mental health awareness are our core values, providing safe and open community for everyone involved.

One of our admin team will have a short chat with everyone prior to joining the FC, just so get a feel who you are and whether it's a fit so please tell us something about yourself! ♥

Wish to apply through discord with a few words? Join us: https://discord.gg/V8NwbAw4vr OR come visit the FC house!
Please note: Only applications from people looking to join the FC will be considered! We will not grant access to our discord without joining the FC for people to trial us out, as this seems new normal and we are not an Ikea showroom. We believe to experience the community you have to try and become part of it, but it is also to protect the safe and tight knit atmosphere we have within the FC. All new recruits will be considered a trial that works both ways, and there's no hard feelings should you find the FC not the right fit for you.

(We reserve the right to choose our members by who we think is a good fit for the FC! You can best reach us by applying through Discord. Telling a little bit about yourself goes a long way! We are currently searching more people able to participate in current content - but all applications are considered equally)









Dorf des Nebels 29. Bezirk, 35 [Groß]




Tausche dich mit den Mitgliedern dieser Community aus!



Ceireen Verlize Alpha [Light]

Part of the best community in Eorzea.

Consider joining our discord to leave an application so we won't miss it! https://discord.gg/arcadiafc



Benji K'urrei Alpha [Light]

Absolutely loved reading the description and sounds like a great FC to be part of if your wanting to be in a safe space and potentially make some friends along the way, whilst not taking the game too hardcore =]


Star Oceana Alpha [Light]

hey i was wondering if i could join this FC, i reently-ish bought the game and have been looking for one to join


Community-Mitglied Rash'a Rana Alpha [Light]

Hey Star,
seeing you are a new player it might be a bit difficult to just swing by our house to have a chat and I didn't catch you online.
You'll find our Discord link above, we're usually pretty active there, so feel free to join and tell us a bit about yourself. :)

Zeilenumbrüche werden als 1 Zeichen gezählt.

0 / 500


Star Oceana Alpha [Light]

Hey Rash'a.

Sorry for the incredibly late reply, i havent been on the lodestone in a while and just opened it to check some stuff.
Would it be alright if i could swing by your house after maintenance has ended? I finished endwalker a couple weeks ago so there's no problem in being able to visit :D

Zeilenumbrüche werden als 1 Zeichen gezählt.

0 / 500


Konkkula Kor Alpha [Light]

Hey, returning player coming back to ffxiv, this FC sounds like a perfect fit for me =)


Atraks Sovereign Alpha [Light]

Hi, I'm new to the game and I've only been playing for a month. I'm looking for a guild so I can play and they can teach me a little. I'm from Spain and I can barely defend myself with English.


Community-Mitglied Ceireen Verlize Alpha [Light]

Due to lot of ongoing duty hopping, please consider applying through our discord so we can reach out!


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