Finde eine Freie Gesellschaft, einen Kontaktkreis oder eine Gruppe,
die zu dir und deinem Spielstil passt!

So funktioniert's!

  • Schritt 1

    Eine Gruppe finden

  • Schritt 2

    Auf ein Rekrutierungsgesuch reagieren

  • Schritt 3

    Ausprobieren und beitreten

  • Was ist eine Freie Gesellschaft?

    Eine Gruppe auf deiner Stammwelt, der du dich anschließen kannst.

    Oft als „FG“ abgekürzt. Die Freie Gesellschaft ist eine geschlossene Gruppe mit eigenem Chat und Anspruch auf ein gemeinsames Haus. Darüber hinaus bieten spezielle Kommandos temporäre Bonus-Routine und andere Vorteile.

    Der Charakter einer Freien Gesellschaft wird durch ihre Mitglieder definiert. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass du eine FG findest, die gut zu dir passt.

  • Was ist ein (Welten-)Kontaktkreis?

    Ein zweckbestimmter Chat, der nur Mitgliedern offen steht.

    Oft als „KK“ und „WKK“ abgekürzt. Der Kontaktkreis ist ein dedizierter, privater Chat, dem man nur mit Einladung beitreten kann. Im Gegensatz zur Freien Gesellschaft kannst du allerdings mehreren Kontaktkreisen angehören. So eignet sich ein Kontaktkreis perfekt für ein bestimmtes Thema, wie die Hohe Jagd, das Angeln und andere Beschäftigungen.

    Kontaktkreis: Eine Chatgruppe mit Mitgliedern deiner Stammwelt. Spieler anderer Welten können nicht beitreten.
    Weltenkontaktkreis: Eine weltenübergreifende Chatgruppe, der Spieler desselben Datenzentrums beitreten können.
  • Was ist ein PvP-Team?

    Ein auf PvP spezialisiertes Team.

    Gute Zusammenarbeit ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Suche dir also ein Team, mit dem es dir Spaß macht und leicht fällt, gemeinsam an euren Fähigkeiten zu feilen.

    PvP: Auf Spieler-gegen-Spieler ausgerichtete Inhalte.

-Treasure Hunters- Rekrutierung für neue Mitglieder


-Treasure Hunters-

Rekrutierung für neue Mitglieder


Community-Karte herunterladen


8:00 12:00
8:00 12:00
Aktive Mitglieder








#Neulinge willkommen
#Aktive Gruppe
Hello, my name is Goddess Starlight! I have been running a treasure map cwls/discord and with the help of my map leaders. We are the largest Treasure Map discord on Primal with over 200 members in discord and 2 cwls's! We run 60/70/80/90s maps on Thursdays at 8:30pm EST and on Sat/Sun we run only 100 maps at the same time! We do two rounds minimum and third rounds are based on a group vote, and we have a sign up page! We run thief map nights too! Everyone is welcome to join but this is a drama free and friendly space, disrespect to leaders or other participants will not be tolerated, we just wanna have fun and earn gil! So we ask that everyone simply be respectful and follow the rules so we all can have a great time!

Our Discord link: https://discord.gg/CU3ZgduJCA
I am on Hyperion so if I am online, feel free to send me a tell with questions!

Screenshots were taken in game, then edited off the game in a photo editor : )







Tausche dich mit den Mitgliedern dieser Community aus!



Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]



Panda Hero Excalibur [Primal]

Hi, just joined the discord, how do I get an invite to the linkshell?


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

gotcha in^^

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0 / 500


Venok Dracul Lamia [Primal]

hello, i would love to run some treasure maps, i collect them every day and have a few 80s with a group i need to complete.


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]


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0 / 500

Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Verfasser gelöscht.

Salome Sirio Hyperion [Primal]

Heya! I'm interested in joining the LS if possible ^^


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/skWHzrCe our link!

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0 / 500


Jhazmyne Lullaby Famfrit [Primal]

hi i would loveto join ifpossible thanks


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/skWHzrCe our link!

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0 / 500


Highbrow Stonebender Famfrit [Primal]

I would also like to join this LS. I tank, DPS, and Gather a lot.


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/skWHzrCe our link!

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0 / 500


Roboto Arigato Cactuar [Aether]

Hi!! I would like to join pls!!


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/skWHzrCe here is our link!

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0 / 500


Renato Souza Behemoth [Primal]

i'd like to join, but your discord link seems to be broken.


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/skWHzrCe there you go!

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0 / 500


Eliarii Kefnet Lamia [Primal]

Hi there! would love to join!


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

you can go ahead and join that discord link!

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0 / 500


Victor Vinosec Ultros [Primal]

Hi, I'd like to join


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

you can go ahead and join that discord link!

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0 / 500

Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Verfasser gelöscht.

Babble Berrybrooke Leviathan [Primal]

I would like to join as well. I'm on discord and hoping to join the LS. Thank you so much!


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/YbDKq6U our link!

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0 / 500


Earlthe Gray Adamantoise [Aether]

In the discord and Would love to join the LS ^.^


Merleawe Peurocher Lamia [Primal]

Hello I joined your discord yesterday (my name is Merleawe on discord also). If you have room I would love an invite to the link shell :) Thank you!!


Alcaine Zura Ultros [Primal]

I'd love an invite to the discord and linkshell if possible. Thanks!


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/fJhjsdTx here is our invite link^^

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0 / 500


Mustadio Bunansa Halicarnassus [Dynamis]

Hey I'm new to this treasure hunting thing but could I join in on that?


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

ofc^^ happy you joined^^

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0 / 500


Buuku Buckz Behemoth [Primal]

I'd love an invite to the discord and linkshell if possible. Thanks!


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/xJYeSNDV here is our link!

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0 / 500


Aletreaux Beaumont Excalibur [Primal]

Hi I would like to join! ButterWater#5795


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/xJYeSNDV here is our link!

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0 / 500


Rem Kamiya Leviathan [Primal]

me and my FC love running maps but we are only 3 activate people so I'd love to join the LS and expand our treasure hunting friends :D


Mason Evergreen Ultros [Primal]

I like treasure hunting and happen to think my habit of finding myself funnier than I actually am endearing. Can I join?


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

yes. yes. and yes. but you're super funny thou :o <3

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0 / 500

Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Verfasser gelöscht.

Flax Seed Excalibur [Primal]

I'd like to join this CWLS as well. I am pretty new to Lv80 and I've never done a treasure map other than the one to unlock treasure maps, so to say I'm a treasure-hunting-noob would be the biggest understatement in the history of understatements.


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/NXUyuCdK , here is our discord link!

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0 / 500


Risa Pureheart Leviathan [Primal]

I would love to join and run some maps! Thanks!


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/U33pg54z here is our link!

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0 / 500


Professor Meowingtons Excalibur [Primal]

I'm interested in joining! Discord link is broken though.

(Bearbeitet)  -

Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/U33pg54z here is our link!

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0 / 500


Octavian Gallabrand Ultros [Primal]

I’d like to join this link shell. I never sat down to learn about treasure maps or the dungeons.


Light Bulbs Hyperion [Primal]

Heyo, just joined the discord as emoji name. I'd love to join in on some maps though I'm still working through the expansions slowly.


Kiros Seagill Behemoth [Primal]

looking to join if you have room, thanks !


Mustadio Bunansa Halicarnassus [Dynamis]

Hey I'd like to join. I plan on doing treasure hunts very frequently soon and I'd really like to get in touch with people who want to run the treasure hunts.


Eric Raymos Ultros [Primal]

Hey there! Just joined discord and wouldn't mind an invite to the Linkshell :)


Midas Whale Golem [Dynamis]

Yes!! My workshop supplier!!! I love running maps!! Would love an invite please!!


Midas Whale Golem [Dynamis]

Apologies wrong starlight ?, still would love to run maps!!

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0 / 500


Neutral Sect Jenova [Aether]

Invite to LS would be amazing


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/YbDKq6U our link!

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0 / 500


Fallen Blacktree Famfrit [Primal]

Hello i'm a fairly new player and would love more people to do maps with. would i be able to join and get an invite to discord?


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/YbDKq6U our link!

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0 / 500


Ruhtati Vanysst Exodus [Primal]

Would love to join!


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/YbDKq6U our link!

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0 / 500


Backdoor Raider Famfrit [Primal]

Would love to meet active players and quit playing on my own can i join


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/YbDKq6U our link!

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0 / 500


Rue Valentina Famfrit [Primal]

Might I get a link to the discord and invite to your LS please and ty ^^ my discord name is RuiNightmare#2915


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/YbDKq6U our link!

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0 / 500


Deepgift Token Ultros [Primal]

DeepGift#3014 I would like an invite


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/YbDKq6U our link!

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0 / 500

Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Verfasser gelöscht.

Varda Ancalagon Leviathan [Primal]

Hello LizardKing#0305 on discord, would love to have an invite!


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/YbDKq6U our link!

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0 / 500


Aerolii Rhea Leviathan [Primal]

Hello! Could I get an invite to the discord and LS? I need map friends


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/YbDKq6U our link!

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0 / 500


Leythr Seneca-svorjas Sophia [Materia]

Hello! I'd like to join the discord (the link has expired) and linkshell please. Thank you!


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/YbDKq6U our link!

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0 / 500


Quiet Lofi Ultros [Primal]

Hello would love a Discord and LS invite :)


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/YbDKq6U our link!

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0 / 500


Cylia Blackthorne Lamia [Primal]

i too would love a current discord link


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/YbDKq6U our link!

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0 / 500


James Normandy Gilgamesh [Aether]

Hey I tried to use the discord link but it says it's expired? I was wondering if I could get an invite please!


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/YbDKq6U our link!

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0 / 500


Slona Darkshard Lamia [Primal]

I'm interested in this activity


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/YbDKq6U our link!

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0 / 500


Gummy Panda Exodus [Primal]

Hello! I would love a Discord link and LS invite please


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/YbDKq6U our link!

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0 / 500


Ten Bucks Hyperion [Primal]

Hi I'd like a ls invite, I'll be on this thursday and saturday 1/13/2022 and 1/15/2022


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/YbDKq6U our link!

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0 / 500


Enki Neomikatsuki Ultros [Primal]

Hello I would love to join for treasure and fun! Your discord link has expired though...


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/YbDKq6U our link!

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0 / 500


Backdoor Raider Famfrit [Primal]

Hi i play alone and would like to have ppl to hang with and chill


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]


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0 / 500


Itsa'me Bipolar Hyperion [Primal]

Still taking people or nah?


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/YbDKq6U our link!

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0 / 500


Mu Shepard Excalibur [Primal]

I just joined the discord, is there still room for more in the LS?


Hor Hey Hyperion [Primal]

Do I need to bring my own maps or will you be giving them away?


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

yes to your own maps^^

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Jinxie Berry Behemoth [Primal]

Hi I joined the discord, could I get an invite to the linkshell in game?


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

can ask in the discord if you aren't in already!

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0 / 500


Shrub Berry Behemoth [Primal]

Hey there. I joined the Disc, read the rules (love em). Just wondering how to join the CWLS in game (if you have room that is).


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

can ask in the discord if you aren't already!

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0 / 500


Takru Haru Siren [Aether]

my question is this still active i do lots of maps and will love to be in a group that can do them anytime i mean anytime XD


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

yes, we are active. https://discord.gg/fBT3VJWZ

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/7p93f64ZMN this doesn't expire

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Kissu Bellrosa Rafflesia [Dynamis]

Hello would love to join your LS and discord


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/fBT3VJWZ join here^^

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/7p93f64ZMN this one doesn't expire

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0 / 500


Derinda Warmoven Lamia [Primal]

Hello, i am interested in both the discord and linkshell. Thank You!


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/fBT3VJWZ join here!

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0 / 500


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

https://discord.gg/7p93f64ZMN this one doesn't expire

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0 / 500

Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Verfasser gelöscht.

-- -- ----

I need a group for treasure maps, could I join the linkshell?


Jett Mulvitic Hyperion [Primal]

Looking for an invite to the LS if possible!


Morgana Avalon Behemoth [Primal]

would love to join!


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]


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0 / 500


Torbenny Vong Ultros [Primal]

I just joined your discord. Can I join your linkshell too?


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

ask us in discord!

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0 / 500


Nepharym Morte Exodus [Primal]

Joined the discord today. Would like to join the linkshell as well. :)


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

ask us in discord!

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0 / 500


Gideon Mystwalker Jenova [Aether]

i would like an invite to the discord and to the linkshell please intersted in map runs.


Halli Brand Zalera [Crystal]

I’m not a leader but the discord link is above in the cwls profile. I’d recommend signing up for a map run in the discord and attending which is the easiest way to get an invite to the cwls.

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0 / 500


Gideon Mystwalker Jenova [Aether]

appreciate the info!


Halli Brand Zalera [Crystal]

Good luck. To invite to a ls, the player has to meet a ls leader in game or be in a party with a ls leader. The player also cannot be a free trial player.

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Asteria Moonchild Lamia [Primal]

I have joined the discord, can I get an invite to the linkshell? Thanks!


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

ask us in the discord!

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0 / 500


Rune Michael Behemoth [Primal]

Could I get an invite


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]


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0 / 500


Felai Ozger Hyperion [Primal]

may I get an invite?


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]


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0 / 500


Mystic Nyght Famfrit [Primal]

Could I get an invite please and Thank you. :)


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]


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0 / 500


Draven Sano Famfrit [Primal]

Can I get invite please :)


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]


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0 / 500


Nothing Fancy Cuchulainn [Dynamis]

Joined the Discord! Looking to be invited


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]


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0 / 500


Dev Mer Exodus [Primal]

Hello I joined the discord. Dev Mer on Exodus. Would love an invite to the linkshell. Thank you


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

ask us in the discord!

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0 / 500


Seyri Elera Lamia [Primal]

Would love to join if you're still accepting people!


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]


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0 / 500


Ventus Aiongale Behemoth [Primal]

I joined the discord! I would love a linkshell invite pls!


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]


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0 / 500


Kay Tiri Lamia [Primal]

Just joined the discord. Would love an invite!


Community-Mitglied Goddess Starlight Hyperion [Primal]

to join the linkshell, just let us know in the general chat!

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0 / 500


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