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Oft als „FG“ abgekürzt. Die Freie Gesellschaft ist eine geschlossene Gruppe mit eigenem Chat und Anspruch auf ein gemeinsames Haus. Darüber hinaus bieten spezielle Kommandos temporäre Bonus-Routine und andere Vorteile.
Der Charakter einer Freien Gesellschaft wird durch ihre Mitglieder definiert. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass du eine FG findest, die gut zu dir passt.
Oft als „KK“ und „WKK“ abgekürzt. Der Kontaktkreis ist ein dedizierter, privater Chat, dem man nur mit Einladung beitreten kann. Im Gegensatz zur Freien Gesellschaft kannst du allerdings mehreren Kontaktkreisen angehören. So eignet sich ein Kontaktkreis perfekt für ein bestimmtes Thema, wie die Hohe Jagd, das Angeln und andere Beschäftigungen.
Kontaktkreis: Eine Chatgruppe mit Mitgliedern deiner Stammwelt. Spieler anderer Welten können nicht beitreten.Gute Zusammenarbeit ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Suche dir also ein Team, mit dem es dir Spaß macht und leicht fällt, gemeinsam an euren Fähigkeiten zu feilen.
PvP: Auf Spieler-gegen-Spieler ausgerichtete Inhalte.Hildy's Heroes Rekrutierung für neue Mitglieder
Dorf des Nebels 1. Bezirk, 60 [Mittel]
Hildy's Hideaway
Tausche dich mit den Mitgliedern dieser Community aus!
Faer Naadir Cactuar [Aether]
?Lilim Succubus Cactuar [Aether]
Hello, I started to do Storm Crown Extreme and I have seen enrage, i would like to find a FC to play with.
Community-Mitglied M'ss Hiss Cactuar [Aether]
Hi Lilim! Sorry I missed you today. It looks like you found another FC in the interim. Hope you have amazing adventures with them and if you ever need anything please lmk! Cheers!
Lire Segoki Cactuar [Aether]
Hi, I'd like to submit an application. I don't think I'm far enough along to visit your residential area, though.
Community-Mitglied M'ss Hiss Cactuar [Aether]
Hi Lire! Please let me know when would be a good time to find you in-game. :) I am usually on daily from 8am-10am & 7pm to 11pm (PST). :)
Community-Mitglied Noral Meniapo Cactuar [Aether]
Hi there, I'm looking for a FC and found yours to be what I was looking for. I'm not far enough in the game to get to your cottage, so I would ask here. I'm online usually 5 PM - 9 PM Eastern M-F, and off and on throughout the weekend.
Community-Mitglied M'ss Hiss Cactuar [Aether]
Hi Noral! I'll search for you when I am on this weekend, but if I miss you I'll do my best to log in on Monday between 5pm-9pm EST and/or ask one of my leadership team to search for you as well. :) Have an awesome evening!
Tatyova Windrunner Cactuar [Aether]
howdy! would love to join up!
Community-Mitglied M'ss Hiss Cactuar [Aether]
Hi Tatyova! Sorry I missed you yesterday. It appears you found a FC in the interim so I wish you good fortune and oodles of fun! :) If you are ever searching for another FC, please do keep us in mind as an option. Have an awesome adventure!
Han'nya Aoshi Maduin [Dynamis]
i'd like to join if thats alright with you.
Community-Mitglied M'ss Hiss Cactuar [Aether]
Hi Han'nya! Please let me know when would be a good time to find you in game. I'll do my best to log in and send you an invite or have one of my leadership team search for you if I am unable to so so. Looking forward to welcoming you to the team! :)
Community-Mitglied Quiet Dream Cactuar [Aether]
Hello I am looking for an FC to join, I just am returning after a few years due to being in the hospital and will be active, I'm in mountain time and just waiting for my game to get done installing. I'll have endwalker by this next week. Sorry if this was a long post
Community-Mitglied M'ss Hiss Cactuar [Aether]
Hi Quiet! I've asked my leadership team to search for you and send an invite asap. Looking forward to welcoming you to the team! :)
Community-Mitglied Quiet Dream Cactuar [Aether]
Thank you, :) I'm just waiting for my game to install, once it is whether its today or tomorrow do I just reach out for you or anyone on that list above? I do have discord as well if that helps
Community-Mitglied M'ss Hiss Cactuar [Aether]
Hi Quiet! You can use this link to join our Discord server and we can add you to the FC once your game installs. (Edit: 1x Link Removed) :)
Community-Mitglied Quiet Dream Cactuar [Aether]
Thank you so much I'll do that now
Choco Milktea Cactuar [Aether]
Heya! I have just returned to the game and I’m looking for a new FC to meet new friends, as my current FC is very inactive these days. I want to get into hardcore/savage content and you seem to have a healthy community for learning that!!
Community-Mitglied M'ss Hiss Cactuar [Aether]
Hi Choco! I've asked for someone on my leadership team to reach out to you in-game. What would be a good time to get in touch with you if we need to try again in the future?
Choco Milktea Cactuar [Aether]
I am usually online during weekday evenings and weekend afternoons. But you can find me on discord @Nyeoni#0442 if you use that!
Community-Mitglied M'ss Hiss Cactuar [Aether]
Glad Aurelle was able to chat with you this morning! Welcome to the Team! :D
Choco Milktea Cactuar [Aether]
-- -- ----
Hai; looking for a new home!
Community-Mitglied M'ss Hiss Cactuar [Aether]
Hi! I've asked one of the team to search for you and send you an invite since I am off line tonight. Please feel free to join our Discord in the interim so we can coordinate with you too! (Edit:Removed Discord Link)
Looks like you found another FC. Wishing you all the best! Happy adventuring! :)
-- -- ----
actually...that was short lived - some weird stuff in their very weird
Community-Mitglied M'ss Hiss Cactuar [Aether]
Welcome to the team! Hope you enjoy the FC. <3
Chris Blue Faerie [Aether]
Im on playstation 5 and use a controller. Do you guys have discord and if you do. Do you guys have a voice chat. If so I would like to join.
Community-Mitglied M'ss Hiss Cactuar [Aether]
Hi Madison! Sorry our vc wasn't active enough for you. Hope you find a FC that is a better fit. Good fortune to you! :)
Community-Mitglied Razzled Meh Cactuar [Aether]
Old FC kinda fizzled away, looking for a new start if you have room. Thanks!
Community-Mitglied M'ss Hiss Cactuar [Aether]
Hi Razzled! What would be a good time to search for you in game? You are welcome to join our Discord in the interim, so we can coordinate better, if you would like to do so. :)
Ruyi Nhoa Gilgamesh [Aether]
Hey there - I have a very small fistful of players from inactive and under-active FCs looking for a new, slightly more active home. We are interested most in mid-sized FCs that have a good mix of player levels and weekly events. Is there anyone we could chat with and ask a few questions about the company or a discord we could poke around?
You can reply here or reach out to me on discord at .ninelives
Community-Mitglied Mala Ether Cactuar [Aether]
Hello Ruyi, if you're still interested in our FC you can either contact me or any of the Officers. Faer, our FC Leader should be in-game later today if you want to talk to him directly. Also, here's the discord link if you want to check things out.
Ruyi Nhoa Gilgamesh [Aether]
Appreciate the quick response! I'll be sure to have a look as soon as I can grab a little downtime!!
Sung-jin Woo- Cactuar [Aether]
Hola me gustaría unirme a su FC ty
Community-Mitglied Mala Ether Cactuar [Aether]
Hola Sung-jin Woo, gracias por tu interés en Hildy's Heroes. Somos un FC predominantemente inglés y para poder comunicarnos efectivamente con nuestros miembros les pedimos que al menos tengan cierta capacidad de comprender y hablar inglés básico. Queremos asegurarnos de que encuentre un FC que funcione mejor para usted, por lo que si esto no es algo que le convenga, lo entenderemos.
Community-Mitglied Mala Ether Cactuar [Aether]
Si aun así está interesado en unirse al FC, no dude en pasar por nuestra casa del FC o enviar un mensaje a uno de nuestros funcionarios para solicitar una invitación.
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